just my 2 cents..i am a certified scale technician licensed in 7 states and have been for 27 years....any electronic scale that will repeat, meaning return to zero is better than the most expensive beam scale you can buy..a beam scale is mainly a wild guess at any type of accuracy..it will repeat zero everytime but other than that all of mine mee the trash can.. a small way to check accuracy of a electronic scale ... take your calibration weight and place on scale IE: 500 gram weight..it shows 500g take it off and find you 2 items that weigh close to 100 grams each.. place 1 on the scale and weigh it..write down what it weighs..then do same thing to 2nd object cloe to 100 grams.. now put either on scale say it reads 102.7 grams now add you calibration weight should say 602.7 then add you 2nd weight say it weighed 110.6 grams now your scale should read 713.3..go back to zero..place 2nd object on first scale should weigh 110.6 add calibration weight should be 610.6 then add object 1 scale should go to 713.3..the tolerance on a scale is one tenth of one percent of applied load or one division... which this scale is by .1 so you have a accuracy tolerance of +/- .1 gram so any reading you took if its within that +/- .1 reading is a(PERFECT) scale..now if it doesnt do that put it in the box and send it back and get another because any electronic scale either works or it dont there is no sometimes or weighs wrong its either on or off nothing in the middle..the way the wheat stone bridge or some call it the load cell is designed it works off of m/v per volt of input..so it is electronis digital just as your fluke meter..only it has a analog to digital converter installed to convert raw counts into a number that we all read as a known weight..so bottom line if the electronic scale works it cant be beat by any beam scale regardless of the price of either..if it dont work get one that does..be careful they are like shoes..sometimes you pay for a name and a name dont make it better it just means its a name brand..all i have stated is from a certified licensed scale technician thats been to school for to many hours to imagine in the past 27 years..so nothing i have said is a if and or but, its simply the way it is..the old saying you can lead a horse to the water but you cant make him drink..its like that..all i can do is tell you exactly what is what and why it is..from that point you can use the info. however you want to but i just felt sorta compelled to share this info. since this is what i do for a living for 27 years now and getting ready to retire from it..
i hope you all ahve a wonderful blessed day...