A few instructions as best I know.
These two programs are "examples of how to do it"
They cannot be used "as is"
They are set up for for a particualr gun shooting a particular bullet of a particular BC at a particular speed, altitude, etc.
What you need to so is
Using a ballistic program compute a drop chart in "inches" for YOUR particular gun, etc.
Most scopes are marked in quarter inches but the circumference of the scope knob and how many inches a turn varies. I believe my two Luepolds V3 have 15 inches per turn. So your little tiny strip of paper must have that many inch marks for a complete wrap. Getting the program to print the right size so you get 15 inches spread correctly on the sheet of paper is a trial and error exercise.
In all of of this you have to go in and put your 200yd , 300yd, 400yd etc marks. These must have been field verified or once you have the paper wrapped you can actually use a waterproof pen to mark on the paper as you shoot the gun in. You then cover that with water proof transparent tape.
I did not ever personally use either one of these two programs. I acquired them out of curiosity as to how the computer programs were put together.