BC software for i Phone or ipod touch???

I've used Ballistic FTE every weekend for the past few months and love it.

On a side note, I can virtually try new loads and compare them, something that has save me $100's. I also purchased a 338 Lapua after running some simulations out to 1500 yards and comparing it to 338 edge, etc.
Do you have to have an internet connection to use these programs? I'm trying to decide to buy an ipod touch or just a palm to run ballistic programs. many times where I hunt I have no internet access. Thanks

no internet for hunting

but you should have Internet to doywload any of this program for 1 time

and to activated to big brother steevy jobby your Ipod touch FIRST!

I just purchaed Ipod touch 4 gen. 8 gig just for http://ballistic.zdziarski.com/ program

and try and try and try......

maybe next weekend for my first use in the field

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Thanks Garfield,
Thats what I needed to know. I live in the city so no problem getting started. I know with most apps you have to have internet access. I was hoping the ballistic programs were self contained..
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