I would suggest anyone buying a barrel call the guys making them and ask them about their process, I stop in and have visited as many as I can get close to. Some contour at different time, some lap multiple times, some flute and finish contour at different time, some stress relieve some do have a clue but still are killing it because cheap sells.
I really like Brux's process, I like Rock Creek, Bartlien and Hart. As a smith I really like barrels that dial in easy, dial in enough and you'll find barrels that dial easier than others, there are a couple that I can rough dial the OD and the ID will be inside a couple thousand, take a couple minutes to have dialed in, others take a half hour of jacking around splitting g the difference between the high and low lands. You can definitely feel the differences in the steel as your cutting.
As smiths I'd say some of us choose barrels stacking all the odds in our clients and our favor even if it's beyond their needs, others just stick what ever barrel will sell the build, as a single barrel buyer just buy what blows your skirt up but don't hold a smith to building one it if it gives him hives!!