barrel / stock clearance


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2008
I just installed a 1.062 at the chamber and .800 at rhe muzzle varmint barrel
on my Savage 11. I inletted the barrel channel more than a dollar bill, much more. How much should it be?
I just installed a 1.062 at the chamber and .800 at rhe muzzle varmint barrel
on my Savage 11. I inletted the barrel channel more than a dollar bill, much more. How much should it be?

Depending on how stiff the stock is, you want to easily clear the barrel even when the stock is under pressure from typical holds (bipods, shoulder, bags etc.).

If it will clear 2-3 business cards under all those conditions, you are good. Extra clearance is just a visual thing and won't affect performance, unless you get junk in there while hunting.

Hey thanks bro.... you gave me alot to think about. For the most part it'll be
a bi-pod or sandbags.
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