barrel redrill


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
new jersey
hello,can u tell me if u can redrill a varmint barrel in .22-250 to .243 win.? is it worth it ? who does this? thanks
hello,can u tell me if u can redrill a varmint barrel in .22-250 to .243 win.? is it worth it ? who does this? thanks

It can be done, and a google search will bring up a few names who do barrel reboring.
Wether its a practical move or not is at least debatable. When you consider the reboring cost as compared to a new barrel cost the cost difference isnt all that much.
Years ago it was a fairly common practice especially with longer barrels. Very few
barrel makers made barrels over 30", so the few long ones that were around often
got rebored. Years ago there was a man by name of Alfred Van Patten who did alot
of reboring for PA hunters and gunsmiths.
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