Would not matter to cut it down and then definitely get it threaded. The Flutes will blend into the Cap, Brake, or Suppressor on the end.
It will change the Harmonics of the Barrel so you will need to work up another load. If you are having a GS close to you to do it, you can see how it groups and then if not satisfied cut a little more off the barrel for the harmonics. We have shaved a thou off the barrel and it changed the groups that we wanted.
Good luck and how does the barrel shoot now? Are you doing just for length for carrying in the field? Taking 4" off will take some velocity away and possibility accuracy at LR. Sometimes you have to give up something to get something!
Personally, I look at a 22" as a SHORT Barrel in a Big Game Rifle (larger Caliber). Even our Varmint/Predator Barrels are 26" for open ground, BUT our COYOTE .223 AR Style are 20" Suppressed.
We also have a SBR 9.35" Suppressed with Close Range Optics in case we have to go into the bush after a not confirmed DRT animal.
Let us know how you make out!!