Barnes Bullets Price Increase

It's going to be so expensive in the future to reload, when components become more expensive to buy than loaded factory rounds it will limit all of us from burning up rounds at the range. At that time what's the point. I have been loading for over 40 years and have a great deal of components stored from purchases earlier on when things were cheaper, I have seen the highs and lows created by our political environment, among other things but it's not looking good at this time, because when the prices go up, they never come back down.
I have not been able to find many Barnes bullets at all. Maybe a few, but not what I'm looking for. I'd be glad to pay the 8% increase for bullets if they were around to buy. Same goes for powders and primers. I live in rural Idaho so I miss what the big city sporting goods stores get in stock once in a while. When I do get into big town, I've usually missed them.

As far as the economy and other problems our country is facing, all I have to say is Hold on to your butts!
And if you think the 2nd Amendment is off the table because of the other dumpster fires this administration has to put out first, guess again. There are plenty of other organizations and senators and congressman that are ALWAYS gunning for more gun laws or getting rid of them completely.

Personally, I don't think it will go that far (at least not right away), but as long as people do not understand that criminals and idiots are the problem and not guns, they will always be trying to cancel our right to bear arms. When are we going to get the right people in office who will actually provide solutions to the real problems?
I recently drove past the Barnes bullet facility on my way to and from mule deer hunting in Utah. The hunt was fun fun fun! But that's another story. What I saw driving by was a surprisingly large number of employee vehicles in the parking lot. As well as signs encouraging people to apply for jobs with Barnes. They are probably working hard and changing their process everywhere they can to increase production. I just hope they stay in business and I support them 100%.
I recently drove past the Barnes bullet facility on my way to and from mule deer hunting in Utah. The hunt was fun fun fun! But that's another story. What I saw driving by was a surprisingly large number of employee vehicles in the parking lot. As well as signs encouraging people to apply for jobs with Barnes. They are probably working hard and changing their process everywhere they can to increase production. I just hope they stay in business and I support them 100%.
HELP WANTED SIGNS EVERYWHERE! Is it a GREAT economy when massive jobs are open and massive people are not to work because they collect more from tax payers to not work,
What a society we all live-in. People that work pay their neighbors not to work and pay them out of their taxes. The people that work =work extra shifts and harder so the other non working people in communicatee can smoke crack and drugs paid to them through government programs They drive up in Esclaide with $4000 tires for food through the food Stamp Program,. Buying booze and cigarettes GREAT PROGRAM!!!
FYI Barnes Bullets announced starting Jan 1st all bullets and ammunition will receive a 8% price increase. This is similar across the industry so stock up while you can if you want lower prices.
So what the crap did the industry do 17 months ago when a box of 9 mm that was going for $228 increase to $430?

None of the components doubled in value, copper, brass, or powder.
So what the crap did the industry do 17 months ago when a box of 9 mm that was going for $228 increase to $430?

None of the components doubled in value, copper, brass, or powder.
****, glad I don't shoot 9mm :)
So what the crap did the industry do 17 months ago when a box of 9 mm that was going for $228 increase to $430?

None of the components doubled in value, copper, brass, or powder.
Supply and demand. When demand increases above supply or vice versa prices go up. It actually helps to maintain supply. Econ 101.

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