I would much rather have something with a raised comb but it seems to add a couple of oz's. The AG Visigoth is their lightest with a raised comb. Its 28oz which isn't bad. The Greyboe outlander is currently 32oz. When they first came out with the light weight outlander, it was 26oz to 28oz. I wish I had ordered one. I got a really good deal on a pre-light weight outlander on clearance. It weighs around 38oz which is the same as the terrain. I am wanting to replace it with something lighter. I spoke with Greyboe and they said they made some changes to their process which caused the weight to jump from 26oz to 32oz. They said that by the end of the year, beginning of next year, they were coming out with a lighter outlander that was closer to the original light weight version. If you can deal with the way it looks, the trekker is 26oz but they are about the same price as the privateer. You might try contacting greyboe to see if they have any plans to lighten up the terrain. They might be coming out with a lighter version like they are the outlander if you can wait but I doubt it would be less than 32oz.