I used to bow hunt a little bit years back, but pinched a nerve on the outside of my right rib cage. I can shoot about six or eight arrows right before I fell all the muscles cramp up. Never was what I'd call good at it, but it was fun. Brother inlaw is a champion archery shooter, and shot for several of the big name companies. Where I was striving for half dollar sized groups he was shooting dime sized ones all day long. He shoots a couple custom built recurves during hunting season (Black Widow I think). I saw him practicing once with his hunting bow years ago (Quadraflex) and the target shooters goto ragging him (he also shot tournament archery stuff) after he put his stuff up. He went back out to the truck and got his bow and hunting arrows, Changed the tips, and promptly shot a 60 with 57 in the X ring. The guy that owned the place told the other guys that he knew they were in trouble when they first opened their mouths. He did the same thing three years later with a guy I worked with that shot for Mathews.
I shot longbows and recurves for about 30 years until I tore an arm muscle. I was a hard core traditional archery shooter but couldnt handle the heavy longbows with the bad arm any more. Started shooting LR rife and now only shoot the bow occasionally. Getting old is a bummer!