Ballistic calculator

Its an Athlon Argos 6x24x50 MOA. It's definitely a 1/4 moa scope. I've tried these calculators with three different rifles, and they will not match up with any of them.

6.5 Grendel 20" proof research barrel
100gr. Lapua Scenar
Distance is 500 yrds
Altitude is 580
Pressure is 29.9
Temp is 79
Humidity is 52%
M.V. 2780
100 yrd zero
Athlon Argos 6x24x50 1/4"MOA
Scpoe height is 2.75
No wind, no angle
Shooting Nort/South
Sierra's comes up with 4.2 moa @ 300 or 13.32 inches of drop.
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