Badlands bullets

Not my thread, but I was also knee deep in my research and found this about a month back:

I have been playing with the badlands for awhile in my 6.5prc. I love them, they're easy to tune, look beautiful loaded and reasonably cheap! I have shot them to 650-660yrds and they're great shooters. Not the best 650-660 groups as I was having to shoot on a different made up temporary range because of the corn crop was too high to shoot my regular range.
911C5493-F8A5-4F5D-B977-F26004258382.png4FF2A639-E34A-4567-A7D3-E46DB7DA5941.pngD738308E-A60A-4E9A-9B58-A3FBFB59CCBD.pngD1037D8E-35FF-4BDA-B45F-BB345C013CCE.jpeg43E80DFE-1DC3-4861-8E76-E7FB22521328.png2EEFAF51-23AA-44D1-A19E-4EF90CAD0398.pngBCF1C29B-81C8-4F2C-997C-AE1DCFC862AA.jpegThe last photo has remanences of the L-R: 130 terminal ascent, 156 Berger, 125 Badlands
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