Bad scope swfa ss 16x???

Fan of the 1911

Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
N.E. Tennessee
I just received my scope last night, only had a minute to play with it before work today, it's still not mounted. Holding the scope up and looking thru it the color is missing from all but the edge of the fov. It has a good green picture looking at the trees, sharp, and clean around the edges.
The middle of the picture is clean, but the color is more of a grey green.
Any ideas??? Like I said I've not had a chance to mount it or adjust it, haven't had the time, I just thought it was odd to have great color, but only around the edge.
Thanks William.
You're probably seeing the effect of low contrast. I bought a Super Sniper 16x for a ballistics experiment. I bought that model because I needed a mildot reticle and the focus adjustment located on the eyepiece or the objective.

The glare was pretty bad. Probably the lowest contrast scope I've seen in that price range. I just bought a Burris MTAC to replace the Super Sniper.

To see if the problem is glare, look through the scope with and without the sun shade. Do the colors become more gray with the sunshade off?
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You can do the glare test using the left over cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels. Cut the tube length-wise. Look through the scope with and without the tube placed over the objective bell (like a sun shade).

If the scope has a glare problem, the image will have more vivid colors (higher contrast) with the tube over the objective, than without the tube.
The glare seems to be an issue I'm not sure it's the only one. Picked up another couple shifts this week at work, may get to check it out on Saturday. I checked the mount today and it looks like I'm going to have to epoxy level the back. So I might have some more time to work on things especially if things stay busy at work.
Thanks all, William.
I am lookinh at getting a SWFA 10 x 42.Pricewise ther eis only around a $100 difference between the HD model and a IOR Valdada. What would you recomend best scope for your buck?
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