Hired Gun
Well-Known Member
Great shot Joe. Isn't it great when it all comes together? Compared to my usual black tail when I ever get one, that one is a hog. I expect to see quite a few more at even longer ranges. This is no lucky shot. Joe practices and studies constantly. For those that don't remember Joe bagged a near record muley last year, cold bore, one shot, at over 500 yards.
I know Joe and introduced him to LRH and the new to us, up and coming rifle smith named Kirby a few years ago. We have shot together off and on for some 20+ years now and I have had the pleasure to witness many pretty respectable (read amazing) shots with rifles and revolver. We cut our old school short range teeth shooting varmints across that same valley with production Ruger varminters in 22-250 estimating ranges and using holdovers from book drop tables. We still killed more than our fair share spotting for and backing each other up. That was 20+ years ago now. Great memories. Looking forward to many more but with a lot higher level of precision. Way to go!
I know Joe and introduced him to LRH and the new to us, up and coming rifle smith named Kirby a few years ago. We have shot together off and on for some 20+ years now and I have had the pleasure to witness many pretty respectable (read amazing) shots with rifles and revolver. We cut our old school short range teeth shooting varmints across that same valley with production Ruger varminters in 22-250 estimating ranges and using holdovers from book drop tables. We still killed more than our fair share spotting for and backing each other up. That was 20+ years ago now. Great memories. Looking forward to many more but with a lot higher level of precision. Way to go!
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