I received my RCBS Charge Master Powder dispenser the other day and finally used it today.
What a difference this thing is compared to the older version where the scale sat on the side of the powder dispenser.
The old scale and powder dispenser worked with the exception of the scale going bezerk every once and a while and after about 20 rounds showing error in the display window. It allowed me to seat a bullet between loads and wait a few seconds for the load to finish up. One thing I did not like about the old scale was if you let it sit for a few seconds it would second guess itself. This was in an environment where it was stable enough to not have wind effects so the scale needed improving.
The powder dispenser worked well and delivered great loads with the odd loads every 50 or so rounds hitting a number that wasn't even close to what I entered, or with extremely large powders such as H50BMG, H5010 it would drop loads every 4 to 5 then start messing up and require recalibration for powder.
I did not like the scale being on the side either, as many times, while trying to remove the powder pan you may hit the tubes and drop a few kernels of powder causing a change in weight. If the scale popped up with error on the screen it was a lengthy process to re-calibrate it.
The two units are connected together by way of a rail. The screws that hold both items together can be used to level the two items also but probably was not intended to serve this purpose but it does and quite well.
They have changed the whole set-up completely. 30 memory slots and the buttons have changed from protruding rubber buttons to covered push style like on some new calculators. The buttons are larger and easier to read and hit. It has an audible sound for buttons entered and when the powder has dispensed and reached its intended weight. This makes it nice if you're seating bullets you do not have to watch the thing.
You better be quick about seating the bullets too because this thing is fast. It however delivered 40 loads exactly 65.0 grains of H4831 in 14 minutes about 2 loads per minute.
The powder dispenser has only one tube and trickles using a jog method. I like this method better as the single tube cranks outs kernels of powder really fast right up to within 5 grains of so of targeted weight then slows down to within 1 to .5 grains and then jogs until weight has been met.
Many times the tube ran right up until it got to within 1 to .5 grains and then jogged. Some loads ran right up until correct load. No calibration is needed for different powders just pour and go easier than the old way. The dispenser has a chute tube on the right hand side that allows drainage of the powder once you're finished with it. I liked this feature it was quick and less likely to spill powder. The powder holder is clear and larger in diameter than the older version.
The scale must be calibrated but it is a lot faster, less than a minute compared to the older version of two to three minuets.
The scale also has more features on it and is easier to use and also reads out in its display full words not messed up numbers meant to mean letters.
I am extremely pleased and although the cost was $272 and some change from
www.armsandammo.com it is well worth your money if you like this type of powder dispensing.