Australian Gunsmiths?

Gunsmith courses got removed from the TAFE curiculum in 1992. Its been a long time since there were qualified gunsmiths trained in Australia.
The qualified ones must be getting on now
You guys are kidding me right??? Have a rifle built in the US......

We have some very good gunsmiths here in Australia, on par with any of the best around the world... You do not need to go else where...

You want a good smith, get onto Australian forums that have short range, 500m Fly, and 1000yd competitors, and see who builds their rifles.

I have these, or they are currently being built...

6mmPPC, Stiller Diamondback drop port, Kelby stock
6mm Dasher, Stolle Panda microport, Shehane Tracker stock
6mm Dasher, Lawton 7500 dual port, Shehane ST-BR
6mm Dasher, BAT 3 lug dual port, Kelby stock
308W, Surgeon, McMillan A5
300WSM, Stiller TAC300.

All these rifle are/will be built on high quality components, and put together here in Australia. I am a custom rifle freak.. I love them.

I also have results to prove they shoot....

Dont let anyone tell you that there is no quality smiths here in Australia.... there is.... You just need to know who, and dont use backyard hacks, which could be in any country.


Obviously from your safe contents your not short of a quid either!!. I'm not saying that aussie gunsmiths are no good, just that there is an option there to get it built in the states for probally cheaper than here. An example my barrel would of cost 350ish for me too get and cost me over twice that here. Same with a brake, 90 delivered or 220 from the smith here. My mate got his rifle off carlock with a load that shoots in it and a target shot with the rifle of I think 1" at 300.:) I got my rifle back and wouldn't sight it in at 100 and the mag box and follower would spit every shell out when I opened the bolt :mad:
Just suggesting a few options.
I got my rifle back and wouldn't sight it in at 100 and the mag box and follower would spit every shell out when I opened the bolt :mad:

So, you had a rifle worked on and this was the result? Was it a well known smith? Did he fix it once the problem was identified? Do not mention names on the forum though!

When our dollar was right up in the 90c well then yes, it might have been cheaper to import a rifle, or even better buy a secondhand one there and import it. Although importing is not cheap as I brought in a Coopers M38 MTV in 20 Vartarg.

If you shop around, keep your eyes out, there is gear secondhand here in Australia that goes for good prices. I know of a top notch component short range BR rifle that sold with 4 barrel for $4000.

Yes I love my custom rifles, but it is addictive. Once you get the first one, the other rifles you have are inferior, and you always reach for the custom. Slowly, the factory rifles faze out and are replaced with customs.

Anyway, all I can say is there is gunsmiths here in Oz that do a great job, build beautiful rifles that shoot great!


why get one from the USA nothing is better here than there. I spent alot of money on custom guns over the years and I know good and bad custom makers in both countries. I left austraila a long time ago. but back then there were a few good gunsmiths and one of the best was just starting. shane clancy. I met him and his dad while attending a shooting competition (that I won) at junee he showed me some of his work and I was impressed. then again at a shoot in canberra he showed me some of his work and it was equaly impressive. I have to say I am pleased to hear he has gone on to do great things.
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