Audette ladder test questions

Thanks everyone for your input, members of this site sure have a wealth of knowledge, it it is great that you offer so much help.

From the various opinions here I see that a single ladder test for verticle displacement may give an indication of a place to start but it dose not tell the whole story.

Looks like the information I need is a combination of 3 shot groups, velocity readings and verticle displacement data at various ranges out to long range.

Sounds like I need to get off the computer, load some ammo, get out the back paddock and start shooting. gun)
This question isn't directed just to Kirby.

Would this really be ideal? Would clamping the rifle or barreled receiver into a shooting fixture cause the rifle to have a different shooting "dynamic" than off a rest? Would you get different nodes?

If you are to clamp the rifle into a jig or shoot it off of a lead sled or have any other way to restrain the rifle other than your shoulder the harmonics of the system will change. If you are looking for a "node" that means the optimum load for that rifle and that system.
So if we are to assume that your body is part of the "system" then the harmonics will be different if you are a 400 pound man compared to a 125 pound woman.
When we develop a load for a certain caliber and type of weapon others of the same caliber but different type shoot the same load fairly well but it takes some tweeking to get optimum results.
I am sure when Kirby builds a 338 AM he knows what load will shoot well out of the rifle because he has tested and built many of the same caliber. The load could most likely could be optimized by the new owner due to the barrel and system harmonics.
The barrel tuners the bench rest guys use is an good example of how little things can have a dramatic effect on the system even in a .22 rimfire. So if you are shooting the 338 AM wouldn't it stand to reason that the way the rifle is supported and the person shooting the rifle would provide feedback into the system?
How you grip the rifle makes a difference. Why not one of the other elements changing things?
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