At what point are you done with load development?

It's always a hole page of little to do with the O.P.
But there amusing reads
Yeah, he's a real philosophiser. The ignorance shows at paragraph number 2 (guess I'm a terrible human being for using what works?:rolleyes:), and then continues into 3. Yep, brother long range hunters do focus on better down range performance. Kinda stupid not to...
I agree on setting goals, but sometimes the journey is its own reward and sometimes it's about the destination. I just need to start ignoring some folks.
As quoted from above:

"First I am not using VLD's because they should never be used to hunt unless you are some terrible human being that looks at animals as beasts that have no dignity or sanctity. Why because the second someone tells you they do not consistently retain their mass and have issues with penetration and retaining the jacket and you continue to use them anyways you are an evil person. It is fine as long as you are innocent and do not know but once you do that is another ball of wax."

Respect your opinion, but to call the ones evil because some use VLDs is uncalled for and ignorant. Besides, there are many many successful accounts of game taken with these type of projectiles. I know because I am one of those "evil" ones.
I always try for 1/2" or better. I won't usually try anymore if it shoots 1/2". But it depends on the rifle and cartridge too. If it's a barrel burner I just shoot for 1/2" any less is just a bonus. If it's a gun just for shooting having fun like my bergara 6.5 creedmoor I have 50 of my load always made up, then if I'm board and I do some times I try a different powder, or bullets, or primers just to play and have a reason to shoot. Currently I'm my load is h4350 with fed210m and 140eldm. Well the local place had Berger 140hybrids onsale so of coarse I grabbed a box and did just a seating depth test. They shot great now I need to do a powder charge work up and decide if the are better then my current bullet. This gun is used mostly for varmints and steel. I have some new Sierra bullets to try in it too. So I do play with certain guns. Now my coyote rifle is a 22-243 barrel burner. I found a load for it with h4831sc and 75g Amax and have only tweaked the powder charge because of new lot numbers and shoot it.
I feel there needs to be some type of professional counseling for shooters like me...something like Drug Rehab. I get my 204 and 17HH making one big hole...and then it's time to try another powder....GEEEZZZZ!! Then I grab a friends gun and start making loads for them...Reloading is an addiction ! I finally set three hunting rifles aside...made myself STOP tinkering and left well enough alone. In the Mountains of NC I rarely have shots over 100-150 I'm leaving them least until October !...there is more powder out there I havent tried, so lookout lil 204, Deer season is over and it's your turn again...... and having a Great bunch of guys to learn from on this Site makes it even better. I guess we'll all keep shooting til our barrels fall off.....then start again !
Yep I have to admit I'm guilty of most of this 6 page read. I'm a hunter and a benchrest shooter .The hunter just can't stop trying to prefect the load until I'm at .5 moa or the gun has to go to a new home that isn't so critical. I am trying to create the most accurate round to give me the confidence for that ethical long range shot if needed.
The benchrest shooter doesn't seem to be able to draw the line and I have wasted some barrels trying to get there.This is the perfection part of loading and shooting.
I summarize it as like the Fly fisherman,he ties his own fly's and they catch fish what a reward.
I usually go for .375-.5" and call it good, after that it's about establishing dope, and honing fundamentals. I don't have the funds to be in a state of perpetual load development; besides, at some point one had to be ready for season, with loads and dope ready to go (and a barrel left to squeeze some accuracy out of).
Well let me put this into context most can relate.....
The more you spend on the rifle and components.....the less you get to spend at the local Hooter Palace.....
Waste components and add excessive wear to the barrel...or enjoy a brew and boobs......your choice........i know where my Palace is....
Right on brother!!!!
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