Assistance with selecting an ML

Had a disc extreme, no matter what I tried it would not burn 209, sold it. Got a CVA and I love it .Accurate and easy to clean.. Has a warranty against rust. I like their Paramount models , but they are pricey.
Thanks everyone.

Encore, any recommended guns?

Sorry, so new to MLs my only exposure is a few big box stores locally. Would like to know others to look at. Open to anything as itll be my first.

Thanks again
The problem is your price range unfortunately. Unless you are required to use a 50cal bullet for hunting, I'd still look for a 45cal rifle. CVA has the Paramount but they also are making one of the other rifles in 45cal.
There may be a learning curve with the 45cal, but once you learn what makes them tick, you'll forget about 50cal rifles.
I love me Encore 209X50 Magnum. Great fun. Have a 300 Win Mag switch barrel for it also.


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I've used only two muzzleloaders and both are cva. They are both very accurate and I've killed many deer with them. The cva wolf is cheap but it shoots well. I think we got one for $150 from Walmart about three years ago.
Some of the first shots out of my accura. 100 grains blackhorn 209 was about 4". But 110 and 120 did better. Fliers are likely me as I haven't shot much the last few months.


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I can recommend the CVA Optima V2. Picked one up this year for just over 200. Found the sabot it liked with my bullet selection, and it just plain shoots. MMP short black, Hornady 245gr interlock, 70gr blackhorn 209 by weight, CCI 209m, blackhorn 209 breach plug.
I just had a CVA Accura V2 .50 cal given to me Saturday by a friend. He said it shot 5-6" groups at 100yds! I cleaned it real good, shot it a few times, cleaned out the gummed up breach plug and shot it some more. This morning I shot a 1" 4 shot group at 100yds with TC 250gn Shock Waves Easy Glide. The type of bullet one shoots makes a BIG difference. I'm not sure how much cleaning the breach plug had to do with overall accuracy but only goes to reason if the ignition is erratic the accuracy will be too.
I would recommend this rifle for its ease of loading, cleaning and its accuracy.
CVA Optima V2 - can be had in your price range. my buddy and I both bought one roughly 5 years ago and have been nothing but pleased. Only item that I've changed two years ago was the rear sight to go to ghost ring sight in the back for a bigger sight picture. Seems like multiple bullets shoot well out of it although I do like to load the 290 grain Barnes spitfire TMZ, in Harverster sabots over 125 grain of loose triple 7. Buddy likes to shoot 100 grains of loose triple 7 with the 250 grain Powerbelts. Deer don't go far if at all.
Probably too late but cva has some deals worth looking at. Unfortunately, most have sold out but a few left. I got a killer deal on a cva accura. They are very easy to clean which was a huge selling point for me.

My Father in Law bought me a Traditions Buckstalker a few years ago. Most accurate ML I have. With 2 pellets and Hornady Copper Sabots it shoots three that touch. After that the bore gets really fouled and it needs punched.

My Knight Disc has been converted and shimmed and tweaked and... all to shoot Blackhorn and it's still not as accurate.
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