During times like we are in where you can't find much for loaded ammo or components to load with we often have to use what we already have on hand and make some adjustments to get the results we want from it . Such as I have 140 gr. burger hp's for my 6.5x284 and I want to hunt coyote with them so if I want to save fur then I may want to run them slower but then I may have been running them slower for coyote hunting but now I want to hunt mule deer so I may want to speed them up so they open up better so then we find the speed nodes that will do what we want the bullet to do for what we are doing at the time and still be as accurate as we want them to be then we mark the ammo we have loaded for what it's intended use is to solve the problem of not being able to find other calibers or ammo just as our forefathers had to do in the past .