AR500 Targets


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2009
Well Aint this just a fine thing to find!
I HAD enough plates and stands to set up a 1000 yard range kept in the side yard up next to the house in a nice little pile.
Went around that side of the house last night after a day shooting chucks
And what do I find Nothing!!
Some jack wagon has stolen my entire stack if targets. I figure the cost to replace it is going to be around 1800
Wish I had a few claymores to place around the new ones when I get them.
claymores may be a little extreeme but have found 330 conibears to be very effective if there are no children or pets around!!
Usually in these cases you know the perp or at least they know you......If they know you have conibears and use them your property is a little safer:D
Sorry to here that bud.
Something tells me, with a "handle" like yours, you just might know how to use those claymores.....:D
Hope you catch the sucker that did it, & that he gets what he has coming.
Worst part is you sould not see them from the road.
Sheriff believes who ever took them knew they where there.
Which means possibly somebody I Know. Did have a contractor in the back yard
doing concrete work a month or so ago.
Can you hook up c4 to those 330 conibears? Just alittle to make sure the limb comes off.
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