Good Lord! The 2 words that come to my mind to sum up a response to the OP's post and to what's been said already is subjectivity and relevence. By listening to some of it, sounds as if I'll need to try to get rid of my "toy" and "hobby" fodder because they just aint gonna do it for me. Yep. I spose I'll be in the shat, and still remain a nobody in the range circle or gun club(*** are those) until I upgrade to the level of a SCAR, SOCOM, Barrett, FNH, M249, Mark19, etc. Geeeez. Just when I thought I had a nice upper price, mid level semi-auto black rifle that functions flawlessly, did all of my proper and thorough barrel break-in, got all of my load development done, had a weapon that can shoot the nads off a flea at 287 yards and still group MOC guts at 600, I find out that just because I don't have a full auto BCG that's been dipped in nitrides, a chrome-lined barrel that, by the way, can and does chip/flake off and has a tendency to hamper accuracy, a FIRSH with 6 rails that's loaded down with 40-11 gadgets, verifiers, angled holo sight, 2 BUIS's in case the first set goes down, lights, lasers, and a triple-edged bayonet duct taped to my can for backup, I'm
toast. All drama aside, a RRA PP will kill a coyote just as dead at 500 yards as it will an intruder in your dwelling at 7. As will many other variations and makes of non classIII ARs. My first choice for a battle rifle wouldn't be a Carbon15 and I wouldn't need to choose a Colt to shoot coyotes with.
MOC guts=minute of coyote guts
40-11=an old figure of speech meaning alot, excessive, etc.
flea nads at 287 yards is anything but chump