Applied Ballistics Mobile App

Hi I am hoping you can help in the Android version in preferences I have spin drift ticked that's good however on the firing solution page just above the elevation tab it has Spin Drift: Off. Sorry if I am being daft why is the app doing this when I want it on. Thanks in advance

Make sure on the environment page, that you also have it ticked on. It can be accidently turned off from there.
Is there a fix for the HUD issue when you use the +/- buttons? I have several situations where I will hit the 'plus' button and the drop goes down and visa versa. Then, if I use the "back" button and go to the input screen and go right back to the HUD screen. the drop changes.
Do you have it set to save your last environment? Have you checked your settings page to make sure everything is right? Other than that, I don't know. But then again, I have never had an issue with mine.
Is there a custom drag curve established for the 225 ELDM?.....Rich

Hey Rich, I think you told me you purchased the 225 from bullet list. If this is correct you should have what you need.

Your luckier than me, I can't even get my purchased bullets to show up on app. I hear that the issue is being resolved after almost a year of waiting.
My Wyoming Antelope hunt starts tomorrow.
Guess I will be using one of my other ballistic Apps!

Hey Rich, I think you told me you purchased the 225 from bullet list. If this is correct you should have what you need.

Your luckier than me, I can't even get my purchased bullets to show up on app. I hear that the issue is being resolved after almost a year of waiting.
My Wyoming Antelope hunt starts tomorrow.
Guess I will be using one of my other ballistic Apps!Ray[

I purchased it and got a bill notice from google but I don't have the goods; just a goofy pop up that says there is no b.c. for it so what did I purchase?:mad:
Do you have it set to save your last environment? Have you checked your settings page to make sure everything is right? Other than that, I don't know. But then again, I have never had an issue with mine.

Yes, and everything else is right. It is a pure glitch that in a couple of cases waffles up to 4/10ths of a minute just by going back and forth between the HUD and environment screens and I've seen the drop go down by 1/10th when adding yardage in the HUD and then change again when you go back and forth between the screens again.

So frustrating.
When you make changes in the HUD screen it does not change your initial environment inputs so when you back out to the environment screen your solution when going back to HUD are based off whatever is in the environment screen.
When you make changes in the HUD screen it does not change your initial environment inputs so when you back out to the environment screen your solution when going back to HUD are based off whatever is in the environment screen.

I wish this were true. It still carries the yardage from the environment screen "back and forth" from the environment to the HUD. Which is what appears to be the thing that is manifesting the strange responses - since it is the ONLY thing that I change in the HUD. I THINK the bug shows itself more frequently when using the "save target" function. At least that was what I was able to discern before I bought and started using the Shooter app. I've wasted countless hours using the AB app. I'm done. Wish I could get my money back on the two versions I bought (one for my phone and the other on my wife's)
Is there a fix for the HUD issue when you use the +/- buttons? I have several situations where I will hit the 'plus' button and the drop goes down and visa versa. Then, if I use the "back" button and go to the input screen and go right back to the HUD screen. the drop changes.

I am running on Version 2.0.9 (Android) & 2.0 (iOS) and I am not able to re-create these bugs. We are 99% complete for launch of the new apps. At this point just awaiting feedback from our dozen beta testers in the field before we publish it for the public.

Is there a custom drag curve established for the 225 ELDM?.....Rich

Yes, and we have a new system in place the fixes your issue. The old way (using the purchase menu) is now gone. The new system has everything on each bullet, right up front. So you will know what bullets you have a CDM for, and be able to purchase a CDM without a secondary menu. I think you will like this.

Hey Rich, I think you told me you purchased the 225 from bullet list. If this is correct you should have what you need.

Your luckier than me, I can't even get my purchased bullets to show up on app. I hear that the issue is being resolved after almost a year of waiting.
My Wyoming Antelope hunt starts tomorrow.
Guess I will be using one of my other ballistic Apps!


We have a new system in place, that makes this much easier.

It's supposed to carry from environment to HUD, I've never seen this issue.

I have also not been able to recreate this issue.

I will say, we are working hard to get this new version out. I spent 2 hours this morning on both new version for Android and iOS. We have a team of dedicated testers who will be putting them through the final test. If we receive no bug reports, then we will publish them to the public. The announcement is prepped, and the apps are even prepped in the stores. So we are hoping to get this out extremely soon.

Early Release East Egg - These new versions of the apps will feature AB Connect™. Our Ballistics Laboratory just underwent state of the art advancements, including a network/server system that when integrated in to the apps checks the laboratory for the latest bullet data. (You will see a library version in the preferences of the new version for the apps). The bullet library can self-check against the server, and if there are any differences, for any bullets it will notify you of an update (in the app). The app itself no longer requires updating to maintain the latest library. The library is capable of updating itself (as long as you give it the ok). Meaning the library is never out of date from the laboratory regardless of when the last app update has been.
I am running on Version 2.0.9 (Android) & 2.0 (iOS) and I am not able to re-create these bugs. We are 99% complete for launch of the new apps. At this point just awaiting feedback from our dozen beta testers in the field before we publish it for the public.

Yes, and we have a new system in place the fixes your issue. The old way (using the purchase menu) is now gone. The new system has everything on each bullet, right up front. So you will know what bullets you have a CDM for, and be able to purchase a CDM without a secondary menu. I think you will like this.

We have a new system in place, that makes this much easier.

I have also not been able to recreate this issue.

I will say, we are working hard to get this new version out. I spent 2 hours this morning on both new version for Android and iOS. We have a team of dedicated testers who will be putting them through the final test. If we receive no bug reports, then we will publish them to the public. The announcement is prepped, and the apps are even prepped in the stores. So we are hoping to get this out extremely soon.

Early Release East Egg - These new versions of the apps will feature AB Connect™. Our Ballistics Laboratory just underwent state of the art advancements, including a network/server system that when integrated in to the apps checks the laboratory for the latest bullet data. (You will see a library version in the preferences of the new version for the apps). The bullet library can self-check against the server, and if there are any differences, for any bullets it will notify you of an update (in the app). The app itself no longer requires updating to maintain the latest library. The library is capable of updating itself (as long as you give it the ok). Meaning the library is never out of date from the laboratory regardless of when the last app update has been.

If we have the current version of applied ballistics, will our app update to this version or does it have to be repurchased?
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