Anybody else had to do this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
Frankfort, Ky
Let me preface this by saying in no way, shape or form am I intending to 'bash' a business or anything like that. This is more of a "Misery Loves Company" post. With that said, I just walked into 1 of only 2 gun stores here and they had apparently within the last few days received a HUGE shipment of........POWDER!! They had all kinds of it to include Varget, H4350, CFE223, BL-C(2), H380........AND.........wait for it......unbelievably there was 10lbs of H1000 (10 1lb cans) sitting there looking GORGEOUS as can be and all the same lot number. Sadly, they wouldn't sell me more than one (1) can of anything that wasn't in an 8lb jug and I didn't need anything they had in 8lb jugs. I walked out empty handed...:(. Ugh....I get it, but DANG THIS CURSED ERA OF TIME.
You'd think they take care of you for being their loyal customer.
Agreed. I know I'm not their only loyal customer, but considering they only had 1lb cans of H1000 and MANY 8lb kegs of other types I figured they would just sell me eight 1 pounders in lieu of an 8 pounder. I figured really wrong. Not wanting to bash the store here, but...... 🤔
Yeah, doing that crossed my mind. If I'm gonna play dirty though I'll have to recruit some folks.....LOL.
I really don't think it's "play dirty" if you have the money and are there in my book finders keepers . But maybe I'm part of the problem. Shoot in 2011 I bought 20 thousand primers just happened to be in the right place right time got those suckers for 16$ a 1000 should be good for awhile. I say get what ya can when ya can may be a time like now when ya can't get crap and may desperately need it if stuff keeps going the way it's headed
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