While I have now been hindered by various muscle damage issues after years of shooting heavy draw weight bows, it's now a challenge for me to go much past 45#, limited to a dozen shots or so. Having used an instinctive shooting style(John Schulz) for about 50 years, I'm still amazed at the accuracy that an engrained form combined with the instincts of hand/eye coordination is capable of delivering with a stickbow and cedar arrow.
35 yards with this gorgeous 52# David Miller, 5 lam all bamboo(no glass) with Myrtlewood handle, built off a blue-print of Howard Hills "Grandma", one of his favorites through the early 50's. Custiom built for me over 20 years ago. Shown with my home made Port Orford Cedars. Did tear some feathers. Shot the first arrow then tried to hit it with the remaining 5.
35 yards with this gorgeous 52# David Miller, 5 lam all bamboo(no glass) with Myrtlewood handle, built off a blue-print of Howard Hills "Grandma", one of his favorites through the early 50's. Custiom built for me over 20 years ago. Shown with my home made Port Orford Cedars. Did tear some feathers. Shot the first arrow then tried to hit it with the remaining 5.