any thoughts on the vortex gen ll pst's?

I bought one and it showed right reticle movement as you adjusted up in elevation. it had about 3/4 moa reticle shift as it approached 20 moa. I returned it to the store and bought another and it also did the same thing. took it back and ended up buying a nightforce. not ever buying a vortex scope again.
I have posted on this somewhat recently in another thread about a buddy of mine that bought a new gen II: Debris on the reticle right out of box, turret screw stripped from factory and the veiling glare when pointed in the general direction of the sun is very pronounced.
I had my Viper HSLR out next to it the other day, next to each other, pointed at the same target with the sun at about the 11 o'clock (overhead) in my field of view. The newer model's glare was substantial compared to the older design.
Maybe my buddy's is just a bad scope.
I have an older PST which is one of my favorite scopes along with a VX-6. With just a few replies in this thread there is way too high a percentage of "problems" with the new model PST. I've heard similar elsewhere which does give one pause. Worse I have a naked rifle sitting in the safe - it needs a scope! I'll probably go with the 5 X 20 SHV. A buddy has one in the mail that should be here in a few days. If it checks out I'll have a hard time not buying the same.
Naa ive read countless reviews and opinions from a bunch of guys that say the gen ll is the scope to buy.there is always some bad apples in every pile.i personally know of two different shv's that needed to be sent back right out of the box so even nightforce has quality control issues
I have posted on this somewhat recently in another thread about a buddy of mine that bought a new gen II: Debris on the reticle right out of box, turret screw stripped from factory and the veiling glare when pointed in the general direction of the sun is very pronounced.
I had my Viper HSLR out next to it the other day, next to each other, pointed at the same target with the sun at about the 11 o'clock (overhead) in my field of view. The newer model's glare was substantial compared to the older design.
Maybe my buddy's is just a bad scope.
probably due to the gen 2 glass letting in more light.using the shade should correct the glare
I don't think that a minor increase in light transmission in gonna cause a major decrease in optical performance. Maybe he just has one of those bad apples.

I agree that the sunshade will (did) help, but don't know how it wouldn't be needed with the inferior glass/coats of my lesser scope.
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