Any bargain bal. reticle scopes worth a look <300.


Sep 10, 2010
Snohomish, Wa
OK I'm not ready to drop several hundred/K's on a scope for shots out to 500-1000 yds so are there any scopes with a ballistic reticle and/or target knobs with repeatable adjustment that are worth playing with? this would be going on a 308.
Check out the Vortex Crossfire II 6-18x44, it is available with a BDC for around $220. You could also look at the Redfield Revenge 6-18x44 with the Accu-Range reticle, they run about $250. Nikon Buckmasters run a little out of your price range but if your willing to got up $20 you could check out the 4.5-14x40 Buckmaster for $320. All of these scopes are very nice and I have personal experience with the Redfield 6-18 on my cousins .243 and a Buckmaster on my Dad's M1A. I can vouch for the Redfield and Nikon's clarity and their positive clicks. I recommended the Vortex because of their outstanding warranty and the great reviews I've read on them. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the leads I was seriously looking at the redfields last year but went with a cheaper weaver Kaspa 3.5-12x44 TBX il ret. but its clicks are so mushy and eye relief so CRITICAL I wouldn't buy it over again. Vortex, Nikon and Redfield all have a respectable following so I will check them out soon.
I think a good choice is a fixed power from SWFA called a Super Sniper. Glass quality is way above the price point and the scope is as rugged as you would most likely ever need and at $299. you can't go wrong.
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