Antelope-good to eat?

Above is 100% accurate. Since antelope meat has such a low fat content it is best cooked rare.


I simply love antelope and have never ate it rare. But then I like even the best steak fully cooked with no pink. Then apply ketchup...:)

To each his own but even well done antelope is very tender and has a great flavor. Hardly ever use a knife to cut it, the forks works fine.

Last year we just bought the tags when we got to Wyoming. I was told they usually have leftover tags, we were able to buy buck and doe tags over the counter. There are so many antelope out there, anywhere you look they are there. We hunted out of Gillette.
I have only ate 3 so far, but i enjoyed all of them, quickly cleaned and skined them and straight to a cooler. I think they taste between a deer and a elk, not as gamey as deer but also not as mild as elk.gun)
Hi Win.308Stealth. Glad you had a good hunt near Gillette. Just a heads up. North of town not a lot of goats. Bad winter kill year before last. Cut the license's down in those units to help them recover. Good numbers South of town, but not like 3 yrs ago. Down by Casper they did better. Bruce
How are the numbers looking for antelope this year. We where there last year and we hunted south of town, and we thought (not being from there) there were plenty of antelope. We are planning on going this fall again, and any info would be greatly appreciated.
Antelope took a big hit in parts of NE WY in the winter of 2010-11. Some places N of Gillette lost close to 60% of their animals. One of the biologists I talked to last year didn't dispute that percentage. It seems like I-90 was the dividing line. Its a little spotty until you get South of Wright. South of there it seems like they didn't have near as big of a problem. I hunt a ranch 30 miles N of Gillette for deer and occasionally antelope. Last year he had almost none on the place. The year before you could easily see 100 in a day. Last year it it was less than 20, probably closer to 10 a day. I have hunted antelope on a ranch 40 miles So of Gillette. His numbers are such that he wants to remove some does from the herd, especially this year to save some more grass for his livestock. I talked to him this week and his antelope are doing fine. A few years ago you could drive So out of Gillette and count up to 300 antelope from Hwy 50 in its 65 mile length. Now maybe 100-150. Still a decent number, but not like a few years ago. Closer to Casper looks more like it did few years ago. Just my observations. The biologists should be able to give you better numbers. Bruce
Coyotes are making a comeback here in NE and that doesn't help the herds out either.
This is according to Game and Parks Meeting.
Had chicken fried antelope steak last night for dinner. It was awesome. You can cut it with a fork and I like it as good as any beef steak. You nailed it in your post. Get the hide off it and cilled asap! That is the key. We typically hunt them on warm days, you leave them lay around and they will not taste good. I actually prefer it to elk, believe it or not. And the hamberger is to die for. We eat about 6 to 8 of them a year. We like it so well we go out of state to get enough tags. You take care of it properly you are in for a treat. Leave it lay around on a warm day ..... well I can tell you for sure it ain't the antelope to blame.


Couldn't agree more. skin it quick. Great meat
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