Antelope and the wind (scenting)

They are indeed very curious. I was hunting on a friend's 880-acre plot and his wife's horses kept surrounding me wanting attention. I saw a nice buck about 1599 yards away on the neighbor's property watching me and the wind was blowing toward him. I guess it wasn't really wind, but a 15-to-20-mile breeze. The horses had moved behind me about 30 yards or more, so their scent may have been covering mine. I was in my normal camo- blue jeans and Carhart jacket. I knelt down behind some sage and removed my light colored hat and slowly waved it back and forth. He came at me at a dead run. He pulled up at around 500 yards and was sniffing the air. I thought I was busted. I raised my hat again and slowly moved it back and forth, and he trotted up to about 250 yards. I put a .270 round in the middle of his chest and DRT. This was not a young stupid buck as he measured out just over 80 inches green scored. They have excellent eyesight, but sometime their curiosity can be their downfall.
When I first started hunting lopes in early 1980's on a ranch in Chugwater, I noticed when I wore a white t shirt they were curious and would come towards me. I was thinking they don't see color but know the shade of white because it's on them. I've never noticed them winding me every since but I'm sure if there was only a light "breeze"... and blowing at them and not to far from them they could smell you. If they recognize it as a human or threat I don't know.
I do know they're eyes are amazing. I've used a trick when hunting with a buddy is to keep driving slow and have him get out of truck and I keep driving slow. They watch the truck while buddy stalks or sets up. If you stop the truck within they're comfort zone, see ya !