Had a Deputy come over this morning and told him everything the wen on and especially what I di and my reaction. He told me that he could arrest me for things I did if the other person wanted to press charges against me. Since the person that came on our property did not have any visible firearms or weapons and did not say any verbal threats there are actions that I should not have done. I should have just told him to leave our property and call the Sheriff.
He told me I overreacted and can't verbally or physically attack someone.
I can carry a firearm in the Open or Concealed. BUT if you pull the firearm and make threats then it is "Brandishing" a weapon and you can be held liable for that.
He told me to be conscious of the LAWS especially when carrying a firearm.
I was pretty torqued up because of previous incident.
The Deputy also told me that he might have done SOME of the same things I did.
Going to install upgraded perimeter sensors, Cameras, and home security. Currently have a lot of security, but anyone can jump a gate and sensors/Cameras only tell you that someone is there.
We have ADT and a lot extra, but still going to up grade and cost $$$ that should not have to do. It is because of dishonest people.
The Internet is a blessing and a curse. Most of your information can be found on the internet and social media. The only social media we are on is LRH, LinkedIn (LinkedIn was for my previous job) and FaceBook. Jill is on face book, but we don't post anything. Jill just looks at her friends.
Another thing is our Business and having a FFL. The ATF Posts your physical address of your gunsmithing shop.
We have not opened up our website yet. One reason is that we want to make it professional looking and part of me doesn't want to advertise. All our work have been done by word of mouth so far.
Thanks for all the concerns, information and kind words.
Len & Jill