Anniversary Present for the wife

Clayne B

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Saratoga Springs, Ut
The wife and I have been married for 6 years and here is what I got her!



Here is a video of her shooting it for the first time. She really liked it. After a box of ammo she asked if we had more? ha ha She was way more excited about getting a gun then flowers. She has taken a concealed carry class and her permit should be showing up any day now :bthumb:

[ame=]The wife shooting her new gun - YouTube[/ame]

So after that I asked her if she wanted to shoot the .308 she said yes. She has never shot it before

[ame=]The wife shooting 447 yards with the .308 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The wife shooting 447 Yards - YouTube[/ame]
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