Annie Annealer, anybody using one?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Reilly Springs, TX
I was looking at Annealer methods for the past two months and almost pulled the trigger on SBA method. However during my recent search I came across this induction annealer called Annie. I was wondering if anyone out there has this setup, I did some YouTube scans and see some videos on it, it looks very nice on how it operates the time it takes, it is not automated, but that doesn't bother me, since I was looking at SBA. I want to know if anyone has one and if you had any issues with it? I can purchase one with the copper coil and water cooler for 593.00. The Annealeez is 275.00, the bench source is 530.00 the SBA is around 140.00, but if you build a PID to control the heat better, it could reach upwards to 200.00. I am starting to lean towards the Annie, it seems to be the closest thing to an Amp and about half the cost.
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