Annealeez Vs EP Integrations


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
Looking for first hand experience from guys who have used one or the other or both.

What do you like? What don't you like? If you had it to do over again would you buy the same one?

I'm about to buy my first annealer and these are the 2 I have it narrowed down to. Sure I would love an AMP but I'm not going to drop that amount on an annealer.

I like the annealeez feed ramp but I like the quick size adjustments on the EP. I think either will serve me well but just wanted to see what the brain trust here has to say!
If you're open to other options:
The annealeez has served me well. I have a piece of sacrificial brass for each of the 9 bottleneck rifle cartridges I reload. The torch angle and position is very adjustable and having a ruined piece of brass to aim at makes the initial setup process easy and you don't waste good brass setting it up. After a few times setting it up it gets easy. I've been using it going on 4 years now and I'm pleased with the consistency. The only drawback I have is with my .222 brass. It's so short they sit too deep in the plastic wheel. When the bottom plastic wheel comes around to pickup the freshly annealed case, the case will hot glue itself to the wheel. None of the other cases have an issue. I inserted some aluminum foil in the case slot to prevent it from melting the plastic. Metal wheels would be the ultimate fix.
Someone just recommended the Ugly Annealer, which I did not previously know about. It looks well made and price point is good. Anyone running this one?
I did look into that one and liked it. I very well could be overlooking some aspect of the MRB, but I did not see many differences between it and the Annealeez or Ugly Annealer to justify another $150?
I use an Annealeze and it works great. I used to use just a torch and it worked but I would not always anneal when I should. Nothing better than throwing a few hundred to a few thousand cases through it in very little time and almost no effort. Now I anneal as I like. Funny how I never annealed anything for close to 35 years. I only had a problem was with a few old military brass splitting after several reloads in 223.
I did look into that one and liked it. I very well could be overlooking some aspect of the MRB, but I did not see many differences between it and the Annealeez or Ugly Annealer to justify another $150?
It is made in America and all accessories are included. It is very easy to set up and very repeatable when changing from one Cartridge to another. Shipping is included. I paid less than $400 for mine so they have had a price increase since I last looked.

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