An idea/Challenge to the spotting scope manu's!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2004
I had an idea that I want to send out the manufacturers of spotting scopes. one of the hardest things about using a spotter alot is the strain it puts on your eyes. One is always closed while using the other. this gets very tiring! I could go spend a fortune on a set of quality big eyes OR......

wait for it.......

can you feel the suspense in the air yet......

How about developing a eyepiece that would fit in the spotter I already have that would allow you to use both eyes! I would love an eyepiece that I could put on my Kowa Prominar TSN-884 that I could look through both eyes at the same time.

They do it with night vision and range finders so how bout it?????
That's exactly what I am looking for. No reason Kowa couldn't develop one for the Prominars I wouldn't think. I bet the eyepiece would run $700 for the Kowa though. My Kowa is a straight model and is great for looking straight across or down. It would be nice to have a angled spotter for being able to look "up". Hmmmm ;)
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