Amazon Borescope....Is this for real?

I use it with my laptop. It works very well. If you plan to use it with an Android phone just be aware that it uses the newer connector. Sorry, I can't remember what this connector is named.
THANK YOU! Ordered one!
I had a HawkEye for a few years and sold it to fund another project. Wish I still had it. I bought a few of the inexpensive, Chinese, larger diameter borescopes over the years but all had issues with clarity. I wrote a review about them on my web site.

RVB Precision Website
Which app did you download for it, there are many?
If using Windows 10, you already have a program (app) called simply, Camera. Phones may need some simple camera app, but never install the Chinese software which comes with any device, as any Chinese software is likely a backdoor into your world.

On another note, About 3 years ago, I bought a simple 5.5mm lighted endoscope on ebay and have had lots of fun with it. I had to build my own 45 degree angled mirror device, which never worked well, but the current models come with such attachments and also, various USB terminators which allow you to plug into either a computer, or smartphone.

They can be had for under $20, with all the attachments. I don't know what the device in the picture does to add to a simple lighted endoscope. Guess I'll check it out online and see. Don't think I really need to improve much over what I've been using (except a better angle mirror.) guys nearly bought them all...first two sellers listed were sold out...but I was able to get the Teslong brand and not one of the knock offs....who knows Teslong might be a knock off too!

But I got one coming! 🥳🥳
The Teslong is factory direct, at least mine was. It shipped direct from China via DHL. I got it in three days. If you look at any on Ebay, they show they are shipped from China.
I emailed Teslong and they say WiFi version back in stock in March sometime. Sounded related to corona virus.
Be wary of borescopes that attach to your phone or computer. The one I purchased contained malware that tried to infect my phone. Buyer beware.
Malware? What is your setup? I plugged the Teslong into a USB port on my laptop with Windows 10, the computer recognized it Via Plug and Play, used a Windows program, and it's off and running.
Going that route, I don't think it's possible to infect an Android phone, a Mac, or a computer.
Anyone else have any hack-attack problems?
Great pictures, great deal.

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