Am I Registered?

I have written a previous post pointing out that I was surprised to learn so few gun owners and hunters vote.

If you're a citizen, please register and vote. You have something worth voting for -- gun ownership.

And you have a lot of competition from non-citizens, it appears.

Take this seriously, gentlemen and ladies. It surely is.
Really sad if this is true. Either way, I'm willing to bet these folks voted in 2020 and will be voting again in 2 months, they just don't know they did. Our system is a complete disaster, we need election integrity.
From multiple sources "Only 16% of gun owners vote". I couldn't believe it either.
I'm not trying to knock the hornets nest off the limb but October's deadline is coming!
A lot is riding on 11/05/24. Be well Brothers!
Early Voting started to day in a Number of State's! My understanding of the Placement of the (2) Amendment is to Guarantee the Power & Protection of ALL OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS. THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! America is NOT A DEMOCRACY! Not NOW, NOT EVER!
Two Wolf's and One Sheep Voting for WHO WILL BE "DINNER"!= DEMOCRACY
Ladles and gentlemen, we the American people are at the crossroads of freedom and communism.
Your vote can insure your freedoms along with your the rights of gun ownership.

Listen to the opposition, there will be "Mandentory" buy back of firearms and the intrusion of your private properties to make sure your firearms are secure, just for starters. I can't express how important this election is.
VOTE! and Vote early, don't play Russian roulette with your freedoms. GOD BLESS America 🇺🇸 🙏