Am I being unreasanable


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
I have a situation on my farm I have a dozen sheep and 3 alpacas to safe guard the sheep from foxes and they do a great job but lately the farmer next door has a dog that is terrorizing my sheep but the alpacas scare it off and iv warned the neighbour that his dog is menacing my sheep and that he should keep his dog on his property he said sorry and yet his dog is still chasing my sheep around. today one of our sheep had a baby lamb and it's adorable and the idea of this dog savaging that baby lamb makes me sick to my stomach, I'm in a situation where I'm ready to shoot this mongrel dog, on one hand it's his beloved family pet but on the other hand it's a menace and if you have a dog you should confined it to your property and not let it roam on other people's land nothing ****es me off more then people like this, the farmers a top bloke and I don't wanna do it but I'm at my wits end. Am I being unreasonable iv given him fair warnings and yet it continues. Please give me yournhonest opinion but remember where adults and name calling isn't needed to get your point across I know this is a bit of a touchy subject but as I said I'm at my wits end. It's just I know some people maybe be farmers and have delt with this before. I'm a fair person
This is a common issue around my area as there are still a lot of sheep, the common practice is shoot on sight and most guys will take care of the issue themselves rather than force your hand in it. I have broken a few dogs from chasing with shock collars but you have to take the time to do it.
Being a family pet I would really try to get your point home with the guy before pulling the trigger as it's a crappy road to have to go down.
I'd make one more contact with your neighbor. Explain that you now have a new lamb and there is no more leeway for their dog. If you see the dog on your property he is dead. Then I'd contact the local authorities. Make sure you have documented how many times you have spoke to your neighbor. Let them know about the situation. You want to make sure that you have already talked to whoever your neighbor may complain to. If they know the truth ahead of time it should make life easier. Best of luck. Bruce
I have had this situation on my fathers ranch/farm in WY. I think the best solution is to let the authorities handle it. We contacted animal control and explained the situation they came out and saw the neighbors dogs chasing the sheep around the feed lot. They did not capture the dogs but they talked with the neighbor and informed him that he would be responsible for damages because stressed out sheep do not gain wieght and that is the goal with a feed lot. Also stressed out ewes have a hard time giving birth and can loose their young easily. After that the neighbor fenced in the yard and we have not had problems since. We are still friendly and I think it is because we did not take action into our own hands. Good luck!
If you feel you must take action, don't shoot the dog with a firearm. Get a BB gun and shoot the dog with that every time you see it on your property. I have never seen a dog that won't heed this educational experience. The dog is just being himself but can be taught bounderies.
If you feel you must take action, don't shoot the dog with a firearm. Get a BB gun and shoot the dog with that every time you see it on your property. I have never seen a dog that won't heed this educational experience. The dog is just being himself but can be taught bounderies.
thats what my advice would be along with contacting your neighbor again.
Hmmmmm have to check the laws where you are. Here in Texas there is no question---the dog would be shot. If I see dogs on the property they are shot. Got 2 last year during deer season. If people do not control their dogs and keep them on Their Property then fido does not come home period end of story.

You could use poison---we used that here for years until the USG made it too hard to obtain without a lot of training and getting a license. Might think about that. Yes there are bleeding heart folks here who are clueless about dogs killing livestock and will cringe when they read this. I have seen it too many times with my own eyes---watched my Paw Paw shoot the best bird dog he had in the head (his name was Red Head) 40 years ago because he killed a calf…
Just tell the neighbor/dog owner that you've put out some poison for the fox/varmints and that he should keep his dog put up so that he doesn't get into the poison. You'd hate for him to come up dead. Works almost 100% of the time. If not the dog may get a case of poison, lead poison that is.
This stuff can escalate, had a friend that nearly had to shoot the owner after shooting the dog. He ended up prevailing in the following lawsuit. Cover your butt. If possible video the dog in action. Video showing it to the owners. Put your complaint in writing to the authorities, demand a written response. You might need an attorney.
Killing this one won't solve the problem of your neighbor not stepping up to his responsibilities. You don't mention other neighbors, are there any?
Or gut shoot it with a .22 or air rifle so it doesn't die on your place. If he pays some vet bills he may learn, or he can put his own dog down which is what should have already been done. Then deny seeing the SOB.
If he hasn't killed any livestock yet, I would probably try to sting him good with rock salt. It shouldnt kill him but a few doses will leave a lasting impression ,quite possibly solve the problem and allow friendly relations with your neighbor to continue.
Thanks for all your advice, i talked to him today and he seemed ****ed off he was acting like I was wasting his time with this ****, I'm thinking of either shooting it or trapping the dam animal and taking it to the pound. My lamb is still going well which was my main concern, but my trigger finger is itching so bad though hahaha. But there's only so many times you can talk to someone before you gotta take action. I'd love a bb/air rifle but you need a licence just like a firearm in Australia. When I was in the states and went to cabelas and bass pro I couldn't believe you could just grab one of the shelf and to the cash register. You don't need to sign papers or anything do you? Same with paintball guns to ay? We need a licence for a paintball gun and to be part of a paintball club. I envy the American gun laws to a point. Also someone said about other farmers they have cattle and crops so the dog doesn't bother them.
Aussie, after what you said related to Austrailias gun laws, I'm so glad I live in the USA. It sounds to me like youve done all you can and the ball is in your neighbors court. I'm not quite sure how I would handle it now. Some people would say "shoot-shovel-shut up". This could be the answer. Not sure what kind of firearm you have but winging the dog or tearing up the mud at the dogs feet my be an option. I do know that if someone shot my dog, I would retaliate and that is the bigger problem you face right now. It's probably prudent to get law enforcement involved immediately. Good luck.
I had a very similar issue myself. My neighbours blue heeler used to come and chase my horses. The horses would then strike at and kick at the dog, which would have been good if the horse connected and killed the dog but it was also teaching my horse to hate dogs, and I didn't want that.

The neighbour was very understanding and gave the dog a needle which stops them wanting to roam. This worked but I always new when the injection wore off because the dog came back.

It's a mongrel dog and should be shot but I didn't want to do that as the neighbour is also my BOSS!!
Thankfully, he has sold that place and moved into town, so the dog doesn't worry me now but apparently runs the streets now chasing cats.

If it had've drawn blood, I shoot it and deny seeing it. Which is what I'd do in your case if it makes an attack.

Best of luck with that.
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