Always getting flyers

Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. The scope has side parallax adj. and it's the first thing I check. I have checked bedding and scope and may have found an area to look at. This factory barrel required forearm pressure to shoot and that may be the problem. I have re bedded the pressure pad section with 8# and will shoot it this weekend to see if that was the problem. Other than that, my guess would be that this barrel is sensitive to just a little temp swing.
Did I miss the rifle details ? Those "double groups" look like a poorly bedded action moving with the recoil. I did see 73gr of powder and 180gr bullets noted, so there should be plenty of recoil. It would be about "standard" for a 308 Remington SPS with the plastic stock. If you do a search on you tube for "remington sps bedding job" you should find a few videos illustrating the problem.
My question. My gun needed this. I bedded the action andfloated the tube. this stopped the problem. Thanks:)
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