Alliant powder shortage

That's what I'm asking..... what specific powders do what before they are gone!

I am trying to stock up on as much as possible because I have a bunch of guns I haven't started reloading for
Use another brand and avoid the problem all together..... you're trying to reload for the Past....think about the Future!
I actually still have a few thousand primers I purchased at 69.95 per 5k sleeve back in the 90's. and a couple of thousand I purchased for under $10 per 1k. In those days, we were buying primers by the tens of thousands per order, so some older ones stayed on the back of the shelves.

I think the last primers I purchased were $119 per 5k, and I purchased 50k then. (Correction - I paid $139/5k. Old age an all )
Same here, I started buying 8lb jugs instead of 1lb years ago, now at 70 I have about all I need. Wife always wanted to know why I keep buying power and primers.
Vihtavuori 500 series is a great alternative to Alliant powders. They're double base extruded powders just like all the Alliant Reloder powders. Other than that, Hodgdon Extreme powders are great, just only single base. I don't mess with ball powders any more for anything I intend to shoot year round or with any needed precision. It's just not worth the headache of them being temp sensitive.
I am selling my 7rem mag and am thinking about getting rid of my powders. I had recipes with 22 and 160 accubonds and then a couple years ago switched to 23 and eldx. Both were awesome.
I guess my question is do I sell these powders off? Don't have much 23 but have a bit of 22.

Shooting 6.5 prc and 7'08's now. Any real reason(besides hoarding 😁) to keep those powders? I feel like they are the past and as we know they are worth a bit now… what are your opinions on that?
I am selling my 7rem mag and am thinking about getting rid of my powders. I had recipes with 22 and 160 accubonds and then a couple years ago switched to 23 and eldx. Both were awesome.
I guess my question is do I sell these powders off? Don't have much 23 but have a bit of 22.

Shooting 6.5 prc and 7'08's now. Any real reason(besides hoarding 😁) to keep those powders? I feel like they are the past and as we know they are worth a bit now… what are your opinions on that?

I'm a prepper/survivialist/doomsdayer….. never, never get rid of anything that you may need when "the ship hits the sand"! 😉

I'll shoot it and if not hold on until it's bad…..which takes a long time!

Things have not been good for components for several years now… can get worse! memtb
There is good article in the Feb - March issue of Handloader. In Range - Globalization and the Lack of Powder by Terry Wieland.

I don't want to plagiarize but, I will try and paraphrase a good qoute from Terry.

You might not be able to find exactly what you want, but you should be able to find something useable.

For me I use both Bullseye and W-231 in my 45 ACP loads. Both are excellent and similiar. For me, it is no big deal to use the W-231 while Bullseye is unavailable.
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