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Allen Precision Shooting, reintroduction... the mighty Raptor LRSS

I've followed APS rifles for awhile and finally sold off my factory junk and ordered a 7mm Allen mag to add to the collection of other custom rifles and I could not be more happy.
The 7mm AM is a BEAST!!!! It has just started its killing spree! Headed to WY elk hunting next year.
Kirby, it's good to see you finally come up for air. You built a 7mm Allen Mag for me back in 2009, it's the one with the black Manner MCS-GAT stock that is pictured on your website. It's still a shooter, and I don't shoot it enough. Longest kill to date is a clean cold bore shot at 867 yds on a coyote after not having it out of the safe for about a year. I was at your place not too long after you moved into the house, round river rock driveway near the house and all. :)

I recently switched to using RL-50 powder in the gun, and with the 195g EOL bullets they are running right at 3225 fps with an ES of 6. If I do my part the gun is still shooting 1/4 moa after just under 600 rounds thru the tube.

You also put a small Pain Killer brake on my .257 Weatherby to replace the radial brake that was on it when I bought it. The gun is a completely different gun to shoot compared to the one that I have that isn't braked.

Now I need a brake for my Savage Muzzleloader, and I just don't know what one to order. I'm shooting a 300g .45 caliber bullet @ 2900 fps (no sabot), the muzzle OD is 0.845". The recoil is just too much and I need something to tame it. I can thread the barrel, I just need to know what one will work the best. Help!!

Thanks again for building such an accurate rifle.
Kirby, it's good to see you finally come up for air. You built a 7mm Allen Mag for me back in 2009, it's the one with the black Manner MCS-GAT stock that is pictured on your website. It's still a shooter, and I don't shoot it enough. Longest kill to date is a clean cold bore shot at 867 yds on a coyote after not having it out of the safe for about a year. I was at your place not too long after you moved into the house, round river rock driveway near the house and all. :)

I recently switched to using RL-50 powder in the gun, and with the 195g EOL bullets they are running right at 3225 fps with an ES of 6. If I do my part the gun is still shooting 1/4 moa after just under 600 rounds thru the tube.

You also put a small Pain Killer brake on my .257 Weatherby to replace the radial brake that was on it when I bought it. The gun is a completely different gun to shoot compared to the one that I have that isn't braked.

Now I need a brake for my Savage Muzzleloader, and I just don't know what one to order. I'm shooting a 300g .45 caliber bullet @ 2900 fps (no sabot), the muzzle OD is 0.845". The recoil is just too much and I need something to tame it. I can thread the barrel, I just need to know what one will work the best. Help!!

Thanks again for building such an accurate rifle.
Thanks for the report on your 7mm AM. Keep an eye out for any powder bridging issues with RL-50. They will show up in unexpected pressure spikes from time to time. Not saying it will happen in your situation but it can. I have seen it. Interestingly just elevation and temp changes can cause this to happen. Again, not saying it will happen, just keep an eye out for it.

my medium PK would be the correct choice for your ML.
Thanks for the report on your 7mm AM. Keep an eye out for any powder bridging issues with RL-50. They will show up in unexpected pressure spikes from time to time. Not saying it will happen in your situation but it can. I have seen it. Interestingly just elevation and temp changes can cause this to happen. Again, not saying it will happen, just keep an eye out for it.

my medium PK would be the correct choice for your ML.
Thanks Kirby. When you say powder bridging, are you talking when the cases are being filled or when it's being shot? I weigh each charge and fill the case using a funnel and drop tube. What ambient conditions have you seen it happen at?

I sent you an email and attached a pic of the yote with the gun in the picture.
Thanks Kirby. When you say powder bridging, are you talking when the cases are being filled or when it's being shot? I weigh each charge and fill the case using a funnel and drop tube. What ambient conditions have you seen it happen at?

I sent you an email and attached a pic of the yote with the gun in the picture.
When fired. At times, when using larger sized stick powders in a large capacity, sharper shouldered case with relatively small neck diameter, occasionally the primer blast will wedge the powder into the shoulder area and it will lock up while it starts to burn which produces pressure spikes. Does not happen always, can be very rare but just keep an eye on it. Generally, you see this more if your load has a lower then 95% load density so this is why i generally like to run my load densities between 98-100%. Not a fan of compressed loads either with my monster 7mm. Can cause issues of its own!! 😳
When fired. At times, when using larger sized stick powders in a large capacity, sharper shouldered case with relatively small neck diameter, occasionally the primer blast will wedge the powder into the shoulder area and it will lock up while it starts to burn which produces pressure spikes. Does not happen always, can be very rare but just keep an eye on it. Generally, you see this more if your load has a lower then 95% load density so this is why i generally like to run my load densities between 98-100%. Not a fan of compressed loads either with my monster 7mm. Can cause issues of its own!! 😳
Thanks! I will double check. 102 grains seems to be the sweet spot with the 195g Bergers. The SD came down since switching primers like you suggested.
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