All Sitka Gear - 20% OFF through February at the LRH Store

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I wanted to give you a heads up that Sitka only allows us to sell their clothing and packs at a discount once every year. Now through the end of February all Sitka Gear is 20% OFF at the LRH Store. CLICK HERE to shop for Sitka Gear.

By now you probably know that my son Andy and I use Sitka Gear on all of our hunts. The quality of materials and design is simply outstanding. I can't believe how much less weight and bulk Sitka clothing has compared to what I was using all those years in the past. I can layer up or down quickly and easily as temps and exertion levels change throughout the day's hunt. It's built to last too. After a couple hard seasons, my Sitka Gear is in great shape compared to the less-expensive clothing I used in the past.

On my 2013 fall high-country Wyoming deer and elk hunts my personal Sitka Gear system included the pieces shown below. Give Andy a call to discuss your Sitka system at (920) 376-2010.



sitka-mountain-pant.jpg sitka-traverse-hoody.jpg sitka-jetstream-jacket.jpg

sitka-kelvin-down-hoody.jpg sitka-traverse-bottom.jpg
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