Alberta Wolf hunt report.......


Yes, I was a bit suprised by the expansion on a soft tissue only hit. Typical performance from what we have been seeing on similiar size game. Expansion starts at about 6 to 7" of penetration and then a good would channel.

Kirby Allen(50)
4ked Horn,

From talking to Richard about wolf hunting and also Chad Lenz who runs Savage Encounters outfitting company, the wolf is the most difficult big game animal in north America to get. Of all the customers Chad has in his camps all winter, he said they average about 6 wolf kills a year. That is with about 12 active bait stands.

Just goes to show that even though the baits are getting hit regularly, you may still never see a wolf, not to mention actually shoot a wolf.

The two Richard shot were grey females in the 75 to 80 lb range. Not want he wants for his lifesize mount with his big black from last year but wolves non the less.

A big mature female will be in the 100-125 lb range and a mature make will be in the 125 to 180 lb range, BIG DOGs. Just an idea of how tall these dogs are, Richards measured over 33" to the shoulder standing!!! And they were not overly big wolves!!!

As far as pictures, send Richard an e-mail and see if he will probably get you some when he gets them downloaded on the computer.

Kirby Allen(50)

Well, the plan was to take the 224 AM up for this hunt but I started playing with this special ignition system and just did not have time to fine tune it and get it ready for the hunt.

I should have just loaded the 224 conventionally and I suspect it would have worked very well. We will see.

I would agree that the 224 AM with the 100 gr ULD RBBT would be great on wolf size critters even out to past 1/2 mile.

Given the correct shot placement, the 224 AM would slap the hell out of a boar as well. Would not have taken a +700 yard shot with it but it would have worked with proper shot placement I believe.

Kirby Allen(50)

Hardest thing my customers and obviously myself have had with Richards 200 gr ULD RBBT is the lack of windage needed for long range shooting. Now sure in a 10 mph wind they will move off course to some degree but not nearly what many, including myself are used to dealing with.

As a result it is common to give to much to the wind with this round as you well know.

Yes, colder temps would have been nice but I am the first to admit I am not man enough to sit there for 40 hours in -40 degree weather!!!

Zero to slighly less would be alright I think but -44 is just crazy for even this montana boy!!

Kirby Allen(50)

I would agree with your pound for pound comparision with these pigs, they are tough. This is the 6th Russian boar hunt I have been on and I will echo your comments, hit em right and they die just like everything else, hit them wrong and there is work ahead!!

Kirby Allen(50)

This is actually the first boar I have taken at long range, all the others have been with handguns at close range so I agree with your comments about getting them in close. In fact the last one before this boar was one of similiar size that I took out of a group of 6 boars.

I spotted them coming down a dry creek bed and decided to crawl up under a sage bush and let them come by and smack one with my Sig M245 compact 45 ACP loaded with 230 gr Golden Sabers.

I was expecting them to walk on the far side of the creek bed when they came around the corner which would have been about 20 yards away. Instead they crossed over to myside.

When the first boar walked by I would have been able to touch him had I had my 30" barreled 7mm AM!!!

Figured I better not shoot him as I had no idea what the rest of the group would do with me laying there flat on my belly at less then five yards.

Luckily the wind was perfect and I knew there were 6 boars in the group so I let five pass and as the 6th boar walkedin front of me at a measured 4 yards, I put a 230 gr pill just behind his shoulder. Luckily he whirled away from me and piled up within 20 yards.

That may be one of my favorite pig hunts.

I have also been sent into standing corn fields after three boars that archery hunters had previously wounded. It was my job as I was the only one packing a firearm, a Ruger 45 Colt Blackhawk loaded to the hilt with 325 gr hard cast bullets. The colt flattened 800 lbs of boar that day with three shots, was alot of FUN!!!

Now its time to get you your rifle so you can start posting about some pig carnage!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
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