Alaska coastal black bear questions


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2014
Has anyone here done an diy Alaskan coastal black bear hunt here? I've been wanting to do a hunt in Alaska and was thinking this would be a good first hunt up there. Probably 2-3 of us would go. Looking for people with some experience, I'd love to do a black bear hunt/do some fishing.
Thanks in advance!
Has anyone here done an diy Alaskan coastal black bear hunt here? I've been wanting to do a hunt in Alaska and was thinking this would be a good first hunt up there. Probably 2-3 of us would go. Looking for people with some experience, I'd love to do a black bear hunt/do some fishing.
Thanks in advance!
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It has been a while since I researched it, but a licensed guide or an AK hunter relative must be within 100 yards of the non-resident hunter when attempting to take the game.
Only certain species do you have the required have guide or immediate family member that is a resident. There are some DIY options.
I've poor advice for out of state diy.... unless you have friends with big commercial boats traversing habitat often. My peer group gets grumpy when we shot something and the tide line isn't in the scope fov...

To my knowledge the black bear is otc for out-of-state.

Was supposed to go on one for kicks a few weeks back but weather canceled the trip. Was gonna be my first dedicated black bear trip on a toy boat, from what I hear in both pws and southeast it's the preferred way to do things.

Do you have a region you want to hunt? Seems like there are plenty of them around, or at least the last two September's we've bumped in to more than our usual.

Give me a specific region and I'll ask folks i know in the area what the skinny is.

Keep in mind the washington side of southeast panhandle is about as close to say prince William sound as Utah is to northern montana "coastal " alaska is vast.