Advice for first custom build m70

I can buy proof research barrels for $650-750. I have one in 6mm 8 twist 24" right know. Brother has a 26" in .22 for a 22-250 and a 20" in 6.5 for a quiet creedmoor build. He also has a christisnson ti summit in 7mm rm. I have a used custom in 22-250 heavy barrel and we have several other factory guns from featherweights to bull/target.

We are going to primarily shoot these new proof guns and try to get a feel for how they compare.

I found that the little kimber shoots well but the action is shorter than a win m70 short action, so i cant use win stocks or bottom metal, etc.

I bought the law m704 and hope to look it over by the end of this week. Hoping it will work and be able to use remington based stocks etc.

Im probably going to build a 6mm creedmoor
Well my gun hasnt been started yet, but my brother got his back. A 6.5 cmoor with rem 700 ss and 22" proof cf barrel. He bought a couple christiansen arms monte carlo stocks. So i bought one from him for mine, so we will have very similar guns. Actions are different and my barrel 2" longer. His weighed 7.25-7.5lbs bare gun and about 9 3/4 ready to shoot. I will have a lighter scope set up. Hopefully they are shooters.
All my rifles are winchester m70. I just bought a proof research sendero 8 twist 24" barrel in .243

I realize building on m70 is not near as popular as rem 700. Story of my life lol. Thinking 243, 243ai, 6mm 06, ?? Used to call coyotes (so packing in on foot and lot of walking), practice long range for fun to 1000yd or so (beyond 550 that im at now). Just getting going reloading and have targets on my airstrip on our farm, maybe antelope and deer. I have a used custom 22-250 (15lb gun), 270 ss featherweight and extreme wx, 338wm ss classic

Is there a preferred donor caliber i should look for as far as bolt or bottom metal that allows for longer overal cartidge lengths?

Other build suggestions?


To me it is irrelevant of the popularity of whatever action/platform you are building from, as long as it meets your intended purpose and to your satisfaction. M70s has a pretty strong following for a reason.
All my rifles are winchester m70. I just bought a proof research sendero 8 twist 24" barrel in .243

I realize building on m70 is not near as popular as rem 700. Story of my life lol. Thinking 243, 243ai, 6mm 06, ?? Used to call coyotes (so packing in on foot and lot of walking), practice long range for fun to 1000yd or so (beyond 550 that im at now). Just getting going reloading and have targets on my airstrip on our farm, maybe antelope and deer. I have a used custom 22-250 (15lb gun), 270 ss featherweight and extreme wx, 338wm ss classic

Is there a preferred donor caliber i should look for as far as bolt or bottom metal that allows for longer overal cartidge lengths?

Other build suggestions?

Don't do it..... DON'T DO IT. You will quickly find that one just will not do at all.

Other than that, it seems you'e already gotten some pretty good advice above.
I'd try to get a pre-64 Model 70 action with the one price bolt handle/body. The post 64 actions are sleeved to the bolt body and should be tack welded to insure reliability.
Well got it done and shot it a few times. Hopefully get the scope zeroed and a load developed. 24" Proof 1:8, Law 704 action, Christianson Arms stock, z5 3.5-18 brh with bt added


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Had a little time to shoot. Did a quick, coarse load development. Didn't have alot of time or bullets, so did 6 sets of 4 rounds at .5g increments in the most popular range (40.0 - 42.5g) of h4350, 210m, berger 105 hybrids, alpha lrp brass. Looks like it is easily less than 1/2 moa to at least 600 yds. Z5 3.5-18 and 20 moa rail seem to top out at about 680 yds (was hoping for 800). Magneto speed said 42.5g was 3100 fps (at about 60 rounds). Decided to go with 42.3g.


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All my rifles are winchester m70. I just bought a proof research sendero 8 twist 24" barrel in .243

I realize building on m70 is not near as popular as rem 700. Story of my life lol. Thinking 243, 243ai, 6mm 06, ?? Used to call coyotes (so packing in on foot and lot of walking), practice long range for fun to 1000yd or so (beyond 550 that im at now). Just getting going reloading and have targets on my airstrip on our farm, maybe antelope and deer. I have a used custom 22-250 (15lb gun), 270 ss featherweight and extreme wx, 338wm ss classic

Is there a preferred donor caliber i should look for as far as bolt or bottom metal that allows for longer overal cartidge lengths?

Other build suggestions?

No reason it shouldn't work for you. What caliber was it previously?

I am becoming an ever bigger fan of the 6.5's for a GP rifle or varminter for all but prairie dogs.

The .243 is still quite popular for the same purposes but I like the higher bc's and "reach" of the 6.5's.
Well got it done and shot it a few times. Hopefully get the scope zeroed and a load developed. 24" Proof 1:8, Law 704 action, Christianson Arms stock, z5 3.5-18 brh with bt added
Hey goosepilot, I just got an m704 in LA and plan to start my build off it, how did it fit into a Remington 700 inleted stock? Minor fitting or did you get a custom inlet from Christianson?
I think he had to do a little work to get action set. Opened ejection area up a little and then built up the other side just a little at the rear. The bottom metal isnt perfect, but not bad either. On the proof sendero it needed opening up just a little.
So just some minor fitting then, I was hoping thats all it would take. The reason I went with a Remington clone is for the stock, trigger options ect.
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