ADG brass

If only they made SAUM brass. I want some for my 7 and been mulling over a 300 Saum but don't care for the brass selection
7wsm is on my wish list!
What are you guys liking about Peterson brass over ADG and Lapua?
I just bought a pile of 30 Nos Peterson brass, I checked h20 capacity last night and its 97.6 so about 2.5 grains less than what I've heard reported for ADG..
Looking forward to trying it out when I get my barrel
7wsm is on my wish list!
What are you guys liking about Peterson brass over ADG and Lapua?
I just bought a pile of 30 Nos Peterson brass, I checked h20 capacity last night and its 97.6.
Looking forward to trying it out when I get my barrel
Peterson is high quality brass. All of what I used has been anyways. There are sellers out there though that are selling 2nds on GB so be careful. Nothing wrong with them except you need to weight sort them and pick through a few bad ones.
For my caliber if I used Lapua I would have to neck turn, and Peterson is excellent as far as weight and neck thickness. And I payed .20 less for Peterson than Lapua
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