Ace Hardware Gun Screw Thread Gauge

In our local store, they are on a shelf just down the aisle from the keys. Don't know if other stores are arranged the same. Also don't know if they have the gauge, but I'll look next time. I already keep a few gauges on the bench and in the shop.
Here it is
I remember being at a small hardware store in Flagstaff AZ back in 2015. I don't recall if it was an Ace or TruValue Hardware. I told the guy I was looking for some 8-40 Fillister head screws for my TC Encore forend. To my amazement he asked what length I needed. He proceeded to show me a rack of pullout bins in the fastener section. They were labeled gun screws and there must have been 6 or 8 drawers full of oddball screws in common gun sizes. They also had an enviable selection of small springs.
Was meaning the screw gauge, it's stamped such.

In the picture, at the bottom of the label, it lists various countries where the items (screws etc.) are from. I'll shut-up now before I get too political.


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The Ace store I went to didn't have the thread gauge but did have a good assortment of screws even torx and Allen head, I was surprised to find blued gun screws at a small town Ace hardware.
I live about 3 miles from our local Ace Hardware. They have gun screws, Even have some torque and Allen head screws for bases and rings. I think it is a lot who orders the screws, If someone working in the store is a shooter, It seems they have a better selection of gun screws.
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