Accuracy Vs Speed...decisions!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
NW Florida
At a crossroads right now and wondering opinions. I'm in the process of working up a load for my 6.5-06AI for my buddy to use this year on a Wyoming Muley hunt. Since I live in Cali I already have a good non-lead load worked up. It's a little slower coming in at 3000fps and shooting consistently in the .3s.

For the WY load I'm focusing on Berger 135 hunting VLDs. Already found the seating depth and today I went out for speed. I'm using 4831sc, CCI 250s, and Norma brass. My last 2 out of 3 shots had a stiffer bolt and topped out at 3240fps (60 grns). 2 loads stood out the most. One 3 shot group at 3060 FPS (3068, 3058, 3057) at .200". Then I had another group .5 grns below the stiff bolt load at 3209fps (3211, 3209, 3207) at .493".

What do I go with solely for hunting? An extra 150fps equates to 10% more energy and 10% less drop at 1000yds. But I love one hole groups!
I shot the exact load when I was doing the seating depth test. It came in in the low 3s, 2 were touching and the 3rd was barely off. I had a pretty crappy rest (range bag) and figured it would have been better if I was rock steady. Today I used a lead sled so pretty much no movement. Plan is to load up a few more and go stretch the legs to 500.
Let me ask a different way...why would you not go with the more accurate group? But either way you need to see how repeatable they are and see the groupings at distance.

ETA - try shooting round robin style to minimize barrel heat changes, or let it cool sufficiently.
Canhunter, Yeah that's what I'll do. I'll load a few up at each load then take it out to 500. See which one looks better.

Trying to build up loads for 2 Rifles right now is becoming time consuming!lol. Got my 300 WSM past 3000 FPS today with the Berger 200.20x and Hornady 200 ELDx with 70 grns of RL26. As much as it pains me to say this I think the ELDx is showing more promise even though I'm super biased towards the
Sub half moa and 150+fps faster would be what I would hunt with...I'd run it out to max range first of course but I wouldn't mess with the slow load for a hunting rifle...speed kills, especially with Berger's.
Canhunter, Yeah that's what I'll do. I'll load a few up at each load then take it out to 500. See which one looks better.

Trying to build up loads for 2 Rifles right now is becoming time consuming!lol. Got my 300 WSM past 3000 FPS today with the Berger 200.20x and Hornady 200 ELDx with 70 grns of RL26. As much as it pains me to say this I think the ELDx is showing more promise even though I'm super biased towards the
Take both bullets out and test them too at long range, preferably in the wind
Good luck
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