Accuracy of Remingtons CDL/LSS 257 weatherby


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2009
Has anyone tried the new Remingtons chambered in .257 Weatherby? If so, what sort of accuracy are you getting? I know some of the Weatherby Vanguard MOA's are shooting particularly well. However it would be nice to have the velocity from a 26" barrel AND outstanding accuracy. The new CDLs are also real easy on the eyes!
I have a new Remy LSS chambered in 257 Wby. I havent really had the chance yet to see just how accurate it is yet. When I got it I gave it a Pillar bedding, adjusted the trigger and used the Tubbs FF to break in the barrel. So I havent had much of a chance yet to work up a load for it. Most of the shooting I have done for it was with sub par ammo. It did ok going the rounds but I need to work up a load just for the gun. That said even with the sub-par stuff best group I got was a .61" and the worst was 1.3". Ok but not great. However I think(and really hope) that once I get some stuff custom for that gun she will start to shine.lightbulb
I have the Remington LSS in .257 Weatherby. With 100 gr. factory loads it shot 3/4" out of the box. I felt that it would do better if I bedded it. The original groups would have two touching and one out of the group. I thought that the barrel was moving. I put some shims under the receiver ring to free float the barrel and shot two 1/4" 3-shot groups at 100 yds.

I pillar bedded the action, free floated the barrel and centered it in the barrel channel. I have not shot it but I am sure that it will shoot very well.

I also have the Vanguard in .257 Weatherby. It too shot 3/4" groups in the factory tupperware stock. I changed the stock to a Bell & Carlson Medalist stock and the groups shrank to 1/2".

The Weatherby 100 gr. factory load with the Hornady bullet is very accurate. I believe that this bullet is too soft for deer hunting. I have some 115 gr. Berger VLD bullets loaded for both rifles. I hope to test them soon.
Are you copying me? Just kidding. I also have a vanguard in 257. I didnt change the stock on mine but I did put a Timney trigger on it. That made a world of difference. I really liked shooting the 257 in the Vanguard so when I saw Remington had come out with the LSS in 257 I was pumped.
The ammo I was shooting out of my LSS was stuff I had previously loaded for my Vanguard and it did pretty well. They were 100gr Hornadys with 65.5 grs of I4831 behind them.
I was eyeying those Bergers as well but I have some Sierra 120 gr gamekings that I am going to try out first.
Just curious, but what powders have you used or plan to use in the 257? I4831 and H4831 have preformed well for me so far. H1000 did great in the Vanguard but the Remington didnt seem to like it.
I am hoping to get a powder selected so I can start playing with the seating depth. I think once I start with the depth it will start to really preform.

I have used RL22, RL25, H1000 and IMR7828. I used RL22 in the Vanguard with 100 gr. Barnes TSX for groups under 1" at 100 yds. The Remington liked RL25 with 100 gr. Hornady. I tired IMR7828 with the Nosler 110 AB but did not get good groups.

This was before I changed the stock on the Vanguard or bedded the Remington. The Bergers are loaded with H1000.

I am hoping to get some time to shoot in the next few weeks.


The difference between my Vanguard with a 24" barrel and the Remington with the 26" barrel is 50 fps. Not enough to worry about.

Thanks to all!

Your input is enlightening. I had searched, but was unable to find, reviews of the new Remingtons in .257 Wby. I appreciate you all sharing your knowledge!

I agree with Tom. The longer tube on the Remington isn't the end all. The speed increase wasnt huge for me either. My Vanguard has served me well and is a great gun.

Here are my "sucessfull" and other loads worth mentioning:

From the Vanguard(3shot)
1. 100gr Hrdy BT/65.0 grI4831/Win mag Primer/ .736"@100yds
2. 100gr Hrdy BT/70 gr H1000/ Win mag Primer/ .865"@100yds
3. 117gr Hrdy BT/69.0 gr H1000/Winmag pr/ .46"@100y:)
4. 100gr Barnes TSXBT/ 65.5 grs I4831/ Win Mag pr/ .742"@ 100y

From the LSS(3 shot)
1. 115 gr Nosler BT Silvertip/69.6 gr H1000/ Win pr/1.45" @100y
2. 100 gr Hrdy BT/ 65.5 gr I4831/ Win Mag pr/ .631" @100y
3. 100 gr Barnes TSXBT/ 65.5 gr I4831/ Win Mag pr/ .832 @ 100y

Both guns loved the Hornady bullets. I wish they would feel the same about the Barnes bullets. It seemed to me when I was working up a load for both guns the hotter it got the tighter the group became, not a bad thing.
Tom I think I am going to try H1000 again in the LSS. My gut is telling me that the bullets I was using is what didnt agree, not the powder.
I am curious how those Bergers are going to do?
Silverine, Sorry to digress to far from the original subject there. Anyhow back to the point of your post. I give my LSS two thumbs up. Acuracy is coming around on it for me and its fun to shoot. Not that looks mean anything when you are shooting for accuracy but the LSS is sure easy on the eyes. I had trouble finding reviews before I bought mine. One thing, the remington site said something about the 257 wby in LSS as being a light gun. Well "it just aint!" Mine is heavy but I have no problem with that since I have others guns that fill the lightweight billet.
I know the Vanguard MOAs are good guns too. My honest feeling is though after seeing how my standard Vanguard with a new trigger preformed, I would buy the regular Vanguard put a new trigger on it and have one heck of a good gun. My little Vanguard has been a super gun and for the money I cant see how you can beat it.
I know that probably doesnt help your decision but I just wanted to throw my $.02 in, cant hurt, hopefully it helps a bit.
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Thanks to all who replied to my questions!

I decided to go with the MOA Vanguard. I'm happy with my choice and when I get a day to shoot, I'll let you know how things progress.

best regards,
When testing Weatherby calibers it's wise to start with flat base bullets.
They seems to shoot well in most Wby calibers.
It's just to have a look at Wby factory fodder, they use Hornady FB bullets.
Avoid BT bullets, since they seems not to group as well.
This is mostly due to the long freebore in Wby calibers.

Just my two cents.
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