Accuracy concerns mounting a rear sight


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004
I want sights on my hunting rifle build. There are 2 options for a rear sight. Op1 is to install a rear barrel sight (NECG Classic Rear). Op2 is to install a rear replaceable weaver peep (NECG Rear Weaver Peep).

Op1 is preferred because it is easier to have your back up irons installed instead of fishing them out of a pack or bolting an extra Weaver base to the stock to hold it!

If I ordered today, I would order a Brux #3 SS or a Shilen #3 chrmo (still trying to figure out if galvanic corrosion is a risk between sight and SS) blank to build this rifle. Will this sight screw hole hurt accuracy? How much? Can I hit my 0.5 moa 5shot at 100 yd group goal with a barrel mounted rear?
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