Absolute Hammer load data

Had my first go around with the Absolutes today. Temp low 60s.

Ruger M77 Mark ii, 26" Bartlein #3 9 twist.
Virgin 280ai Peterson Brass
Fed 210Ms
Alliant RL17
Absolute 284 cal 140 grain, .010" jump

56.0grn 3149fps
56.5grn 3183fps
57.0grn 3231fps
57.5grn 3255fps
58.0grn 3291fps
58.5grn 3303fps
59.0grn 3352fps
59.5grn 3365fps Slight Ejector Mark
60.0grn 3406fps. Slight Ejector Mark, didn't have any higher charges loaded.

Bolt lift was easy on all shots and all primers looked same.

Working up a load with the 28 Nosler and 140gr AH and thought I'd share some results from a pressure test ladder. Had IMR4955, IMR7977, and Retumbo on hand to cover a broad spectrum of burn rates to see what might work with this combo.

Christensen Arms Ridgeline
26" 1-9" Twist
New ADG Brass
Federal 215M
1/8 Turn Crimp with Lee Factory Crimp Die
COAL 3.403" (0.020" jump)
Velocity at 15'

Chronograph wasn't working this day, some idiot didn't check to make sure the battery was still good [me].
Sunny 65F
78.0gr Faint ejector mark
79.0gr Ejector mark, bolt lift
Stopped at 79.0gr. Tons of case capacity left and was already hitting high pressure.

Sunny 29F
82.0gr 3358
83.0gr 3367
84.0gr 3472
85.0gr 3527
86.0gr 3565 faint ejector mark
87.0gr 3584 ejector mark
88.0gr 3652 ejector mark, bolt lift
Not excited about the non-correlated progression of velocity related to charge weight. I've had good luck with IMR7977 with other combos but I don't think this is a good fit here. Maybe H1000 would be more consistent and slightly faster, but I don't have any on hand. 7 shot group was under 1" at 100 yards.

Sunny 29F
86.0gr 3472
87.0gr 3546
88.0gr 3574
89.0gr 3613 faint ejector mark
90.0gr 3642 ejector mark
91.0gr 3693 ejector mark, bolt lift
92.0gr 3724 ejector mark, bolt lift, leaking around perimeter of primer [too hot for sure]
Going to accuracy test 88.5gr. 7 shot group was under 1" at 100 yards.

I want to try N570 but who knows when I'll be able to find it.

I haven't tested the 143gr HH in 28N yet, but I understand that folks are getting around 3600fps with similar charge weights. After viewing all the data I can find, and from my own limited testing, I'm starting to conclude that the AH's have minimal velocity advantage over the HH's in big overbore cartridges like the 28N. Anyone else coming to this conclusion?
Went back to the range today to try Hodgdon Benchmark with 151 AH. Loaded up 1 round each in 0.5 gr steps from 42-48 gr. Brass was sized with Redding dies with expander removed. Measured 0.006 neck tension. Temperature was 48 deg. Velocity recorded on CD ProCronoDLX.

Start Low and work up on charge weight!

Winchester M70 FTW SS - 308Win
22in Factory 1in12 twist
Lapua Brass - Trimmed 2.006
Fed 215
COAL - 2.863

42.0 - 2688
42.5 - 2735
43.0 - 2734
43.5 - 2804
44.0 - 2824
44.5 - 2836
45.0 - 2875
45.5 - 2893
46.0 - 2922
46.5 - 2983
47.0 - 2999
47.5 - 3004
48.0 - 3034 bolt was slightly stiffer. No ejector mark

Not really sure where to go from here. I probably won't try higher charges with benchmark, I don't think I'm far from more significant pressure signs and 48.0 was more compressed than where I stopped with the 8208. I could either go a bit faster stick powder maybe H322, go with a slower ball powder (Ramshot TAC) and see if I can get a higher charge in the case, or leave well enough alone and see what a charge in the around 47.3 groups like. I was hoping to be able to get at or right above 3100FPS, which would be 200fps faster then my current load (150gr TTSX/CFE223) going 2900FPS and 3/4 MOA, assuming the AH groups the same that is 100FPS faster, maybe I am just being greedy.
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Went back to the range today to try Hodgdon Benchmark with 151 AH. Loaded up 1 round each in 0.5 gr steps from 42-48 gr. Brass was sized with Redding dies with expander removed. Measured 0.006 neck tension. Temperature was 48 deg. Velocity recorded on CD ProCronoDLX.

Start Low and work up on charge weight!

Winchester M70 FTW SS - 308Win
22in Factory 1in12 twist
Lapua Brass - Trimmed 2.006
Fed 215
COAL - 2.863

42.0 - 2688
42.5 - 2735
43.0 - 2734
43.5 - 2804
44.0 - 2824
44.5 - 2836
45.0 - 2875
45.5 - 2893
46.0 - 2922
46.5 - 2983
47.0 - 2999
47.5 - 3004
48.0 - 3034 bolt was slightly stiffer. No ejector mark

Not really sure where to go from here. I probably won't try higher charges with benchmark, I don't think I'm far from more significant pressure signs and 48.0 was more compressed than where I stopped with the 8208. I could either go a bit faster stick powder maybe H322, go with a slower ball powder (Ramshot TAC) and see if I can get a higher charge in the case, or leave well enough alone and see what a charge in the around 47.3 groups like. I was hoping to be able to get at or right above 3100FPS, which would be 200fps faster then my current load (150gr TTSX/CFE223) going 2900FPS and 3/4 MOA, assuming the AH groups the same that is 100FPS faster, maybe I am just being greedy.
You're at about the same velocity with Benchmark where I ended up in my 30-06 with the 162 gr Absolute. I'm surprised you didn't get more out of it.
I was corresponding with Steve the other day about an Absolute in my 6.5-284. He told me to look at Hogdon data for the same approximate bullet weight and pick one of the powders that gives the higher max velocities and start with that max charge. Looking at the 308, CFE 223 may be your powder. At 51.1 gr it gets 2974 fps with the 150gr Etip.
You're at about the same velocity with Benchmark where I ended up in my 30-06 with the 162 gr Absolute. I'm surprised you didn't get more out of it.
I was corresponding with Steve the other day about an Absolute in my 6.5-284. He told me to look at Hogdon data for the same approximate bullet weight and pick one of the powders that gives the higher max velocities and start with that max charge. Looking at the 308, CFE 223 may be your powder. At 51.1 gr it gets 2974 fps with the 150gr Etip.
I sent Steve an email with my results and asked for his opinion on which direction I should go. I use 48.6gr of CFE223 with the 150gr TTSX and get 2900fps. I had two nodes one at 48.6 (2900) and the other at 49.8 (2960ish) . If remember correctly I hit pressure around 50.4 (have to go look in my book). I ended up settling on the lower node, the SD/ES was lower and given everything I have read about CFE223 being extremely Temp sensitive I didn't want to be that close to pressure signs. I think CFE223 is going to end up being to slow because 50gr with the TTSX is compressed so I think that with the AHs the load is going to be super compressed well before you hit pressure.

I think the problem with the 308 is going to be case capacity. I've never used it but I think Ramshot TAC is going to be the best hope. All the ball powders I've used are denser/take up less volume than stick powders in the same burn range. I called around and haven't been able to find Ramshot TAC locally. One shop does have some H322 but I think I will just hit the same point as the Benchmark and IMR8208 and run out of capacity before I hit pressure.

I loaded up 4 with 47gr of Benchmark to get an idea of SD/ES. Using JBM's Trajectory calculator the 150 AH @ 3000 will be still be going 2459fps with 2027ft lbs at 300 and 2289fps with 1756ft. lbs of energy at 400yds. Which should be good for any shot I would take at a Deer or Elk. But if I can get another 100-150fps, all the better.

I have used cfe 223 to get some high speed loads and it works well just be careful because it is temp sensative a load developed this time of year could get a little rough next summer I noticed you are also from Texas we know how hot it can and will get
I have used cfe 223 to get some high speed loads and it works well just be careful because it is temp sensative a load developed this time of year could get a little rough next summer I noticed you are also from Texas we know how hot it can and will get

I do! I haven't done any hunting since moving to TX. To much of a business here. I mostly hunt whitetails when I go to visit family back east but want to get into western hunting for elk/mule deer. I like to develop my loads in temps somewhat close to the temps I'll be hunting in and then depending on how hot the load is that I am working with I will do another work up if I am going to be shooting in significantly higher (>30 deg) above what I worked up the load at. Most of the time it is somewhere between 40-65 when I get to hunt back home. This is my first time working with either Benchmark or IMR8208. From what I have read on the web both are supposed to be temp insensitive. Honestly that is one of the major points drawing me to just leave well enough alone and stick with the benchmark load at 3K fps (if it shoots).

- Matt
Headed back out to the range this morning and the results are below. I'll probably tinker with this a little more just to try and understand why the average is 50fps higher than yesterday and see if I can get the SD/ES a little lower but if nothing changes I won't be upset in the least.

Winchester model 70 featherweight SS
Leupold v3-iii 2.5-8x36
151 Absolute Hammers
47gr Benchmark
Fed 215 primer
Lapua brass trimmed to 2.006 and sized with 0.006 neck tension.
Temp 45deg
Stiff tailwind estimating 20 sustained with gusts probably to 25 (forcast was 10 with gusts to 14/15)

47.0 - 2999
47.5 - 3004
48.0 - 3034 slightly stiff bolt lift

Shot 1) 3072
Shot 2) 3052
Shot 3) 3051
Shot 4) 3044

SD: 10
ES: 28
No signs of pressure. Since I was only shooting 4 shots I didn't bring any extra optics... when I got to the range there was another shooter using the only bench at the 100yd range that I can set my chronograph up in front of so I had to move to the 200yd range so I wasn't able to see each shot and don't know which shot is which.



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Headed back out to the range this morning and the results are below. I'll probably tinker with this a little more just to try and understand why the average is 50fps higher than yesterday and see if I can get the SD/ES a little lower but if nothing changes I won't be upset in the least.

Winchester model 70 featherweight SS
Leupold v3-iii 2.5-8x36
151 Absolute Hammers
47gr Benchmark
Fed 215 primer
Lapua brass trimmed to 2.006 and sized with 0.006 neck tension.
Temp 45deg
Stiff tailwind estimating 20 sustained with gusts probably to 25 (forcast was 10 with gusts to 14/15)

47.0 - 2999
47.5 - 3004
48.0 - 3034 slightly stiff bolt lift

Shot 1) 3072
Shot 2) 3052
Shot 3) 3051
Shot 4) 3044

SD: 10
ES: 28
No signs of pressure. Since I was only shooting 4 shots I didn't bring any extra optics... when I got to the range there was another shooter using the only bench at the 100yd range that I can set my chronograph up in front of so I had to move to the 200yd range so I wasn't able to see each shot and don't know which shot is which.

Wow, these are from a .308 win? I found pressure at 3180ish with a 30-06 and the 151AH so you aren't far behind me with a lot less powder too.
Yes sir, a 308 win. I was able to find a lb of Alliant Power Pro Varmint today when I was buying some more benchmark. After the holidays I will give that a try but unless I can really get up close to 3200 I probably won't switch. I'll give up the 50-100 FPS for the temp stability.

what powder and charge are you using? Once I am done with the 308 I'm going to move to my 06 but I'm leaning towards the 178. Steve said he got 3080... even at 2950-3000 that would be awesome!

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